Hi there, so this is kind of an embarrassing situation, but I could really use some advice and help. As many girls do, I have hair growth “between the legs.” I prefer shaving frequently in that area and shaving a lot at that; I feel more comfortable that way. For about the past 4-6 months that hair growth down that has become very rough and thick, so when I shave it feels almost like a gown mans shaven face, little prickles. My boyfriend and I have a very deep, romantic and sexual relationship. This issue I am having is definately interfering with our sex life. Thankfully he is very understanding, but when we are intinmately together, it becomes uncomfortable for him and a major turn off. I cannot help but think this is going to get worse and I really need some advice as towhat i can do to rid of this hair permanantly…or for the most part permanently. If anyone has any recommendations or advice PLEASE let me know, I would really appreciate it! E
How old are you? What color is your skin and hair?
There are permanent solutions like laser or electrolysis. There are also temporary solutions like waxing that will make the smoothness last longer. If you’re shaving, you should use a new 3-4 blade razor and shaving gel (not cream) and soak for about 10 mins before you do it.
This is very normal by the way. Most people have very coarse hair on this area and of coarse that means it will be prickly when it is growing out after shaving.
Hi there, it is dark brown and im fair skinned…i have triedthe waxing by myself and it didnt really work i had a hell of a time. Does the soaking before shaving makie a big difference? I do use a 3-4 razor and shaving gel as well. Thanks for replying so quickely and for your advice :o) E
Yes, soaking helps. Waxing that area on your own is very hard and painful. I would recommend going to a salon. It’s probably one of the most requested treatments there
With your skin and ahir type, you are a good candidate for laser hair removal. Once you’re ready to do that, you can look on the laser hair removal portion of this forum and do research on the best place to go near you. If you want completely everytihng gone permanently (or close to 90-95%), it would probably take 8 or so treatments (effective ones after lots of research) at a cost of $200-300 per treatment every 8-12 weeks. I’ve had it done (though not EVERYTHING, I didn’t want it all gone)) and my story is at the link below my name.