Hello To all at this site.
I found this place he other day and I have just registerd. Before now i used kitty consumer beware board for 2 years. Then I look at your sit and see that you do not have a good word to say about that site. I dont know who to believe. I would like to know who Andrea the moderator is what she does for a living and why she is the moderator of this site.
I would also like to hear from any long term users to know what they feel about this site.
I am very interested about the gene therapy side of things as this seems like the future, i mean how come we grow hair on some places and not others why do some people have no body hair? Please try to answer some of these it would be good to feel as comfortable on this site as I had done on kittys. Its good to know there are other people out there who feel the same as me.