so I have always had very very thick hair. when i shave my legs it grows back in a few hours and it feels like sand paper. then i got upper lip hair and was made fun of that.
but that is nothing compared to my problem now…
about 2 years ago i noticed a particularly long curly hair on my chin so I used my nails like a tweezer effect and plucked it out. gradually over these 2 yrs I have moved to using tweezers daily, hourly digging at my cheeks chin and neck.
This may sound crazy but i am now obsesive about this. I constantly rub my chin and neck searching for any coursness. Any free second I have in utter and COMPLETE privacy i will dig.
I know this goes beyond just having a facial hair problem. When I was a teenager I had clear skin atleast. Now it looks like i have a rash covering my neck and chin. and sometimes it bleeds.
I would love a permanent removal but with my financial situation that wont be happening any time soon. I atleast need a better alternative. I want to clear my face up.