I want my face back.

so I have always had very very thick hair. when i shave my legs it grows back in a few hours and it feels like sand paper. then i got upper lip hair and was made fun of that.

but that is nothing compared to my problem now…

about 2 years ago i noticed a particularly long curly hair on my chin so I used my nails like a tweezer effect and plucked it out. gradually over these 2 yrs I have moved to using tweezers daily, hourly digging at my cheeks chin and neck.
This may sound crazy but i am now obsesive about this. I constantly rub my chin and neck searching for any coursness. Any free second I have in utter and COMPLETE privacy i will dig.

I know this goes beyond just having a facial hair problem. When I was a teenager I had clear skin atleast. Now it looks like i have a rash covering my neck and chin. and sometimes it bleeds.

I would love a permanent removal but with my financial situation that wont be happening any time soon. I atleast need a better alternative. I want to clear my face up.

i want my face back too…:(… i’m 16y/o and have upper lip hair too and my friends use to make fun of me…i didn’t think it was that bad but today when i went outside i saw my reflection and thought…f*** it got so bad, mostly on the corners of my mouth…i have a job now and i’m saving up money so that in the future i can get laser hair removal…i trim my hairs but still…i feel your pain

I understand totally. This behavior is a bit obsessive compulsive which is a real medical diagnosis and can be treated with medication. My husband gets angry at me when I do this and tells me I’m scaring my face, which I am. I’ve had laser hair removal on my legs about 6 years ago with fantastic results. We are on a tight budget now, but laser hair removal here in Illinois for your chin would cost $534 for 6 treatments. Upper lip costs $354 for 6 treatments. That’s not really much money for relief from this mental anguish!!

For all of your situations, electrolysis is a much better solution. It really doesn’t sound like that much hair, plus for small areas like that electrolysis is really best. At the same time, it’s not that expensive and the payments are spread out, so you have time to save. Your corners of the upper lip can be treated in 15 min electrolysis treatment would be my guess, which would cost on average only $25-30. I only needed about 8 5-15 mins treatments to get rid of this forever.

For the first person that posted, you shouldn’t be plucking if you can avoid it. Shaving or Nair is really best. How much hair do you really have? If you had to count the hairs? You can probably treat this with electrolysis relatively fast as well.

Laser should really be reserved for coarse hair and not such small areas. You don’t want to treat finer hair on a woman’s face with laser.