I think the Dr missed some patches on my legs. Is this bad technique?

It has only been two weeks and most of the hair on my legs have shed but I am disappointed to see that there are patches where the hair is not budging. My first thought is that the Dr. was careless and missed some areas.

Is this common? Can’t they tell what area they are treating?

I’ve had several treatments over the last few years, over different areas, from different clinics, not a single one was totally complete. They always seem to miss some spots.

I know, I wish they’d be more careful.

I am really thinking about going somewhere else. One area that is not shedding is a seven inch strip on the front of my leg. I am so mad that I spent so much money and the Dr. was so sloppy.

Most places I have seen offer touch ups for missed spots. I would call your dr. and ask about coming in and touching up the missed spots for free, or else you’ll take your business elsewhere.


Usually they will do a touch up if they missed some spots. They won’t know you’re dissatisfied unless you tell them. I had a substitute tech one time and was undertreated with a Lightsheer at 28J. I just mentioned it at my next treatment and it was free.


Usually they will do a touch up if they missed some spots. They won’t know you’re dissatisfied unless you tell them. I had a substitute tech one time and was undertreated with a Lightsheer at 28J. I just mentioned it at my next treatment and it was free.


Indeed…cant get what you dont ask for

Thanks so much for the advice! I will ask for a touch up and see what happens but I am not sure I want to pay for another session with her. The other doctors in the office have a very good reputation and I expected the best service. I am not sure I received it.

Hey don’t be disappointed with the patches, hopefully you can get the touch ups. I have a really good tech and she does a really detailed job, but i think that i have some subborn hairs that come out on my lower neck faster than the rest and she treats those areas as well as any missed bits for free 3weeks after treatment

Aw - Thanks for the encouragement. It has been three weeks and I can really tell what areas were not treated because there is a row of hair that did not shed. I haven’t had a chance to call about a touch-up but I will try next week. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />