I need some serious advice

hi Im a part owner of a day spa clinic in mexico, I own an Aurora device but am looking to invest in a new device and dont want to make a bad decision so I thought to look for input here. Mexico has all skin types and the Aurora has worked very slowly but fine, but I want something else to complement. HELP.

Aurora is an IPL. A true laser will provide faster results for your clients. Apogee Elite is a machine with both an Alexandrite and a Yag setting, so it could be good in terms of money spent because you can treat all types of skin with one machine by adjusting the settings. Otherwise, LightSheer Diode is a good machine for light skins as well as GentleLASE alexandrite. Both are very popular. LightSheer takes a bit more experience to operated properly. Sciton Yag is a good Yag laser that allows for faster treatments due to its scanning technology.

Hi, im going in for treatment 19 on my back soon and can
say I only have a 25% reduction, being one of the hairiest
monsters you have ever seen, 25% means nothing to me,my
self esteem is the same. My whole back is completely
covered with dark thick hair.8 treatments with gentelase
and 11 apogee treatments, big waste of money for me.Just
wondering if anybody thinks the lightsheer diode is worth a
shot, I have not donated any money with this laser yet.

Hi, im going in for treatment 19 on my back soon and can
say I only have a 25% reduction, being one of the hairiest
monsters you have ever seen, 25% means nothing to me,my
self esteem is the same. My whole back is completely
covered with dark thick hair.8 treatments with gentelase
and 11 apogee treatments, big waste of money for me.Just
wondering if anybody thinks the lightsheer diode is worth a
shot, I have not donated any money with this laser yet.

That is way too many treatments for the results you are getting, especially if the hair isn’t even getting any thinner! Did you feel anything during treatments? Could you smell any singed hair? If the answer is no to both questions, you were probably undertreated.

How dark is your skin? What fluence levels and pulse widths were you treated with? I recall your name but don’t remember the particular details of your situation.

You should shed relatively quickly after an alexandrite laser treatments.

Now to your question. I have been treated with alex, diode and YAG lasers. The Lightsheer is by far the best laser for hair removal unless you have type IV skin or higher. But it is critical to have a qualified practitioner. I would get at least one treatment and maybe a test spot before if I could. They should use compression, which makes a huge difference in effectiveness.


you need to look into what exactly is being done wrong here. I doubt it’s the type of laser. It’s either your body producing more hair due to underlying medical conditions or you’re being treated at too low of settings to cause permanent damage to the follicles.

do you think i couls get more info on the sciton yag? never heard of that one before???

check out the sciton website