Hi Chris:
I never meant you, and I am sorry if I added that to your letter. I am very sensitive, perhaps too much and I am sure that the person didn’t mean it as a negative thing.
My apology.
I also understand how gay people face a similar struggle to my own. That is probably why we share a common umbrella.
When I change gender and am still with my wife,some will see us as gay. If I liked men and had a boyfriend after SRS, then people would still think he is gay or I am, or that was my reason for transitioning.
Pretty wierd! People are wierd!
Yes your shadow should get better till you have none.
I had dark brown hair on light skin, although some greys.
I am not sure about pitting and scarring, especially on the chin. I can always cover any imperfections with foundation, but you can’t. I would hope you don’t have too much, but I think at times it is hard to tell the final status of our skin since we are always in recovery mode.The shadow will go though, as the hair gets thinned out.
Again, I am sorry for being sensitive. People will probably always use wrong gender pronouns in my case.