So I finally had my appointment at a place with GentleMax for chest and abs (skin type III.) She told me that they always treat conservatively at first. She did 2 test spots with Alex setting 18mm 8, 10, 12 Joules. She would not try 16 and 18 joules like I wished. I couldn’t even convince her to do 16 so I didn’t even mention 18. She said there should be shedding after 2 weeks (3 weeks with Yag laser).
She plans to treat me at 18mm 14-joules if the test spots are fine. I expressed my concerns about low joules and she has no problem trying test spots at 16 and higher joules AFTER initial treatments (6 in total per package.) We had a chat about settings and hair cycles. She does treatments every 6 weeks, and I expressed my desire for 8-12 weeks for chest and abs. Though she said she never heard of waiting that long, but did express that she has no problems me waiting that long if hair doesn’t grow fast as treatments progress.
I could not convince her about the joule settings though. She said that she’s been in the practice for a while and has reputation and clients are happy with how she does things. She said other places may treat you at 18mm 16 joules right away, but she doesn’t risk it. She was confident that 18mm 14 joules give plenty of energy to zap hair permanently in my treatment areas and sounded like as treatments go she would progress to 16 joules and up.
I know that the common advise from LAgirl and others who received laser treatments, always say go highest as skin can handle without burning and that anything lower than 16 joules on 18mm spot is not good enough setting.
What I liked is that she uses pencil grids, and touch ups are free. They have a promotional price running for a month, but after promo it’s $500 more per package. I could afford her pricing with the promo month. This is my 3rd clinic that I went to for advise. Only first and second did a test patch, but I didn’t know the settings at my first clinic.