I had test patches done today, need advice

So I finally had my appointment at a place with GentleMax for chest and abs (skin type III.) She told me that they always treat conservatively at first. She did 2 test spots with Alex setting 18mm 8, 10, 12 Joules. She would not try 16 and 18 joules like I wished. I couldn’t even convince her to do 16 so I didn’t even mention 18. She said there should be shedding after 2 weeks (3 weeks with Yag laser).

She plans to treat me at 18mm 14-joules if the test spots are fine. I expressed my concerns about low joules and she has no problem trying test spots at 16 and higher joules AFTER initial treatments (6 in total per package.) We had a chat about settings and hair cycles. She does treatments every 6 weeks, and I expressed my desire for 8-12 weeks for chest and abs. Though she said she never heard of waiting that long, but did express that she has no problems me waiting that long if hair doesn’t grow fast as treatments progress.

I could not convince her about the joule settings though. She said that she’s been in the practice for a while and has reputation and clients are happy with how she does things. She said other places may treat you at 18mm 16 joules right away, but she doesn’t risk it. She was confident that 18mm 14 joules give plenty of energy to zap hair permanently in my treatment areas and sounded like as treatments go she would progress to 16 joules and up.

I know that the common advise from LAgirl and others who received laser treatments, always say go highest as skin can handle without burning and that anything lower than 16 joules on 18mm spot is not good enough setting.

What I liked is that she uses pencil grids, and touch ups are free. They have a promotional price running for a month, but after promo it’s $500 more per package. I could afford her pricing with the promo month. :slight_smile: This is my 3rd clinic that I went to for advise. Only first and second did a test patch, but I didn’t know the settings at my first clinic.

That’s completely sketch, you will not get results on 18mm under 16j. 8 and 10 are ridiculous, the fact they do low first then go high just shows they’re trying to get your money basically giving you shedding on the first few then upping it to real settings later, causing you to buy another package.

Here’s the problem, you’re skin type 3 which is fine. GentleMAX does Yag and Alex just like Apogee Elite. I just did my forearms again today and I’m skin type 3 also. I’m only barely tanned but she absolutely refused to treat me with the alex today which really sucked but she said either they treat me with the alex at low settings so I don’t burn which won’t give me results, or we can use the yag at very high settings. The reason I say here’s the problem is because if their concern is that you’re skin is too dark which is why they want to go low, then why are they not going with the yag at decent settings?

I know we always say go as high as possible etc etc, but the reality is that it’s up to the laser clinic and just because we say we read it online to go high doesn’t mean they will do it. Had that discussion today when trying to get treated on my arms with the alex. Clinics don’t want to burn people. I think what people need to take from forums like this is the information on different laser types, and what to avoid. Such as IPL, or alex on dark skin etc etc, and also which settings are considered too low. Anything else is up to the clinic. It’s completely fine that we say do 18mm/20J but doesn’t mean a clinic will do it. You’ll spend forever hunting around for one that will treat you at the settings you want. You just need to make sure you’re not being treated excessively low which is what 8J at 18mm is.

It’s up to you how you proceed, but maybe see if there’s some way you can tell them that you spoke with several people or something, you’re interested in the package but you refuse to get one unless they treat you at at least 16J otherwise you’re going to another clinic that said they would. Or even tell them you went to 2 other places, they’re a bit more expensive but they had GentleMAX as well and told you they would only start at 16J because anything else is too low.

14J on 18mm is not bad. I had my first treatment at that setting. I would definitely NOT consider anything lower than that and I would be wary of someone who’s not willing to go any higher at all, even after testing and your conscent. For the first treatment, 14J is fine, but I’d recommend at least 16J for the rest of your treatments to make sure the hair is damaged permanently and not just stunned for a while.

Based on your pictures I would definitely start patch tests at 14 joules and 16 joules. Based on the results, I would treat you accordingly. Why do a patch test at a lower setting and then treat you at a higher setting ??? They should do a patch test at the actual energy that they are planning to treat you.