I had an electrolysis consultation; questions!

Hi everyone! Reading this forum motivated me to have a consultation with an electrologist to remove upper lip hair. I wanted to check back here because I was surprised at what she said about what the treatment would entail.
For my upper lip, she said it would take about three months. She said weekly treatments, and did not make it clear if this would reduce. She said I would be shaving before treatments to make sure the hairs are in the correct stage.
She explained to me that electrolysis causes the other follicles to grow hair, and that’s why it would take that long. (This freaked me out and I’m still quite unsure what she means. Will previously hairless places start sprouting hair due to electrolysis?)
Does all this sound correct? I appreciate any feedback offered. I can tell there are some amazing professionals here who know their stuff. I only wish one of you were in my area (Dallas)and then I wouldnt have to worry! :slight_smile:

Welcome to Hairtell, linn!

Okay, do you think perhaps she meant that it will take about three months before you visibly see that most of the obnoxious hairs have been treated and removed? It doesn’t mean you are finished in three months! Every electrologist knows that it takes three or four hair growth cycles to finish a job. A hair growth cycle is roughly a period of about 2, 3 or 4 months, by the way.

It is true that some books suggest pre-shaving, so she is not saying anything that she made up herself. I would prefer that all the hair be present, preferably in a virgin state, before I commence removal, but some people cannot allow facial hair to just grow out or others will know their horrible secret. This can be done both ways and one will still get to the end goal. I use to believe that only growing hairs could be affected, but I don’t think that is true anymore thanks to Josefa and Michael’s results.

Lastly, I would like to see where she learned about electrolysis causing other follicles to grow hair. I never heard proof positive about hair growth induced by having electrolysis, just heard speculative comments about this over the years.

I think there are probably very good electrologists in Dallas. Just get those consults and you will find a great person to mesh with, I bet! Research this as you would any other service you seek.

Thank you for the response and the welcome, dfahey!
I talked to her again, and she said: "once a week treatment for 13 weeks, then once a month 4 times, once every six weeks 4 times, once every 8 weeks two times, one time at 10 weeks, and three times at 12 weeks. "
So my question now is…once you are getting to the less and less often treatments, is it just a few hairs that take just a few minutes? I mean after all that time how can there still be hairs?
Also, i am afraid to shave my face…won’t it increase the growth?
Thank you so much for any help.

I just wanted to add that the electrologist has only a few years experience…about two. But the clinic in general was a “Best in Dallas”…so I don’t know if i could find a better one

I would definitely look into having consultations with other electrologists.
Having such a grand title as “Best in Dallas” should be backed up with real reviews - and great if they have them. But there will be others out there whose presence online isn’t as well known, but have more experience and may be a better technician.

As for your question about shaving, it does not induce hair growth. Waxing and plucking on the other hand…

Thank you, Catsup! You are right. I’m going to look into people with more experience.