I found your website too late


you website seems very informative and well set out from what i’ve seen. It is frustrating that i have only now found it after spending £300+ on Ultra hair away ( i bought 3 x 4 bottles over a 6 month period)( i am an naive optimist - it is hard to let go of something when youve spent so much on it).
It created a few bald spots but its all grown back really.

I only came across this site while typing into the google search engine ‘Warning Ultra Hair Away’. I felt robbed when i read that the owners also have many other websites promoting their product.

I found nothing but links and reccomendations to their website when searching for permanent hair removers. It would be good at least if others could be informed by this 'pornster’before being ripped off. before i found your website i visited [ultrahairaway dot com] and found a new layout with a popup of similar ideas e.g penis extension).

Have you thought of trying to get more publicity or something for this website? could you get this website to appear first in the search engines somehow ?



Andrea benefits from a lot of free publicity ( much of it provided by myself) as the sites worthiness is spoken of often and with great admiration on various places on the web