I feel scared, ugly and alone

I wish there was a special pill to make it go away. I’ve struggled with excess hair on my face and kneck for more than 10 years. I think about it every day and some days i just want to crawl back into bed and not leave my house. I’m in a relationship now and I want to move in with my boyfriend and the hair on my face is the one thing that scares me. It shouldn’t be that way. I feel like I’m shallow for caring, but I can’t help it… I care.

I’ve gone to an endocrinologist, nothing worked. I’ve tried laser, but I can’t get time off during doctor’s hours so I only made it to two sessions. I’ve tried electrolysis but I’m starting to see scarring and my skin keeps breaking out so I’ve stopped.

Now I’m trying to find a laser clinic with good hours and I’m too scared to try some random clinic.

I feel scared, ugly and alone.

Which electrolysis did you go to? If you don’t mind me asking?

I went to a woman named Victoria at the Bay Street clinic. She was really nice and really good (I think), but I think my skin is just too sensitive for electrolysis. She has really good hours.

I went for 2 hrs/wk, $120. Afterwards my skin was really red and the next day it would get bumpy and some scabs. I haven’t been for almost 3 wks and I can still see small red marks in some places.

Miss, How do you feel this girl?

Look at the perfection of the features of his face. Do you think she feel as beautiful as it really is? His eyes are green like the Caribbean Sea.

Now, please, see his present form.

Ohhh, I can’t believe you’re risking laser which has a habit of making hair worse when used on female faces. Laser is perfect for many areas, but is known for inducing growth in this spot over the long run. Unless your hair is as coarse as bikini hair or lower leg hair and black, you are probably going to regret this in a year or two. :frowning: You’ll kill the few darkest hairs, but potentially double or triple your fine hairs and peach fuzz (which is way harder to hide or trim and ONLY able to be killed with electrolysis anyway).

I would find a more gentle electrologist. Even if you get red marks, they don’t last long. After your first clearance they will last a couple days, and then you won’t see them at all. Even if your skin gets red easily (like mine), a couple weeks of spots is waaay better than a lifetime of two or three times as much hair on your face, right?

Don’t get me wrong, I love laser. But read around the forums and you’ll see why we routinely advise against it on a female’s face (male facial hair is usually coarse enough for it, so there is no induced growth).

Well, whatever you do, I hope it works out very very well. I know JUST how you feel about being insecure. Living with my bf was hard because I’d rush into the bathroom each morning to shave before he was awake so he wouldn’t know I did it! Couldn’t sleep in or relax if he touch my face or anything. Bleh!!

Thanks for your advice. I will stay away from laser for my face. i do have quite a bit of blonde hair there. The blonde stuff doesn’t bother me, it’s just the dark ones that bug me… some of them are really coarse.

I guess I will book another electrolysis appointment…
I saw some tips for assisting healing. My skin is really sensitive and a bit oily, so I think I may need to fiugre out something better than alcohol before, aloe directly after and cold compress afterwards.

Thanks for the moral support everyone.

Yeah, the redness afterward is just something that some people have to deal with. You’re doing a very small “surgery” on hundreds of follicles, so of course you may have a reaction. The marks wont be permanent (unless the person seriously messes up the treatment), so it’s just a matter of “would you rather have a few weeks of red marks or keep your current hairs?”

Some people are fine with keeping their hairs, but some people aren’t. It’s up to you. :slight_smile: James always has good tips for aftercare and I suspect that would help the healing immensely.

You need to find a good electrologist who won’t leave you with side effects. Laser is not good for hair that’s not coarse and dense.

Also, you need to make sure to use proper aftercare and to avoid using products with chemicals while it’s healing.

What did the endocrinologist say?

I don’t mind the redness, I just don’t want to do any permanent damage. My skin is nice and it’s been breaking out a lot since I started electrolysis. I will take your advice and check out a new technician. Maybe my current one is over treating the area. It feels raw afterwards.

i will check out aftercare methods.

The endo didn’t say much. Put me on a androgen blocker, got my levels down to normal but no effect on the hair. i’m going to see another one in a couple months. hopefully this one will be a bit more sensitive to my situation and feelings.

i went off the pill a while back and my testosterone has risen a bit. it’s not that much higher than normal range, but i think i have a genetic predisposition to sensitivity. my mom had the same prob.

do you know where i can learn more about the different meds available for my situation?

There are other things that are helpful for aftercare. If you sweat lot afterwards, wear makeup (bacteria) right after, touch the area with dirty hands, let the dog lick you, etc. then you may have some problems.

Skill, along with certain epilator choices, probe choice, can leave you a little pink for a few minutes to a few hours. None of this scabbing s&%$! or pronlonged healing for weeks will bother you when all is done well. This doesn’t have to happen. You will most likely heal, but I don’t like the seeing skin reaction for more than a week, personally speaking. It causes too much unnecessary angst for the client and interrupts her life and make her feel uncomfortable with electrolysis.

Thanks dfahey. Do you have any recos re: epilator choices, probe choice and aftercare? Maybe I will just look around in the forum to try to develop my own list… but there are just so many different recos, it’s overwhelming to start thinking of it.

Miss, just want you to know you are not alone!