I went to an electrolysister yesterday for my facial hair. This was our first session together and my second session ever. She did full (almost) upper lip. One, I should have gone with somewhere less sensitive to start or with a test patch. Two, I definitely should have used numbing cream. Not the worst hour of my life, but somewhere up there. But hey. I didn’t know any of these things going in and hindsight is 20/20.
This is the morning after.
Obligatory question: am I going to die?
In seriousness though, after poking around the forum and the internet at large, I’m pretty sure this isn’t particularly usual. If you could please let me know to what degree I should panic, that would be wonderful.
What should I do to help my face heal and would it be wise to wait a couple weeks before another session? Should I schedule with a dermatologist to have a gander?
I’m just gently rinsing it with hand soap and water and slathering menthol and dye-free aloe gel on it. Before bed I heap a generous portion of some kind of aloe-containing lotion to keep it moistly covered through the night (I also sleep with a fan pointed at my head which doesn’t help; this is non-negotiable). My usual facial skincare routine consists of not doing anything to it, not touching it with my fingers, and drinking (roughly) half of Lake Mead each day.
I don’t know what technique she used (I swear by the burning smell, it may have been thermolysis, but idk anything about anything). I can certainly text her, but I’m very sure she’ll be uncomfortable with my sudden inquisition. Not that it bothers me though My first electrolotogologist used the blend method. She was very keen to tell me all about the process in un-retainable detail, which I appreciated. I would have stayed with her, had the VA given me the choice. I’ll certainly look into seeing what hoops she’d need to jump to get approved.
This was the second day after my first electrolysis session (with blend) and, though I was mildly concerned at the time, this is what I feel is a more typical reaction. I thought I’d toss it here for reference on what my skin has done before, if it helps. It is in a less sensitive area though and the density was lower then (I had been going monthly to laser right before so it was sparse, but it has since returned in full force and much darker than before ).
Any and all help/advice/wandering thoughts would be most appreciated!