I am still anti-electrolysis.

I still DO think that the risk of meeting not-skilled electrologist does not worth the result. My life is literally ruined because of improper done electrolysis. It is almost three years after my last session. But hair is still grow inside my skin…I should simply shave. I do not believe already that my legs will be beautiful again ever…

Although I agree that poorly done work can lead to really bad results, the same is true of anything. One must put the research legwork in the front side of this equation, so that the work received is a positive experience on the back end.

Even so, attention to giving your body what it needs to rebuild and restore itself, usually leads to great results.

Personally, I had a horrible burn on my arm, complements of my evil half brother, and it was there for years. A woman told me that if I slathered aloe vera on it once or twice a day for a while, maybe even up to a year, it would go away. I did not believe her, but figured I had nothing to lose, but the scar. it is now gone. I have trouble remembering what arm it was even on.

I wish you luck in finding and sticking to what ever will help you resolve your situation as well.

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Legs get great results with laser. You should go for that. The hair will fall out and you won’t have ingrowns after only a few treatments.

But you need GOOD laser treatments too. Everything sucks when performed badly.

If you will get rid of the ingrowhts, 1, maximum 2 GentleLase treatments should help you. Ive done it on my back - after months of epilation with rotary epilator I had lots of ingrowths and many wounds.

After 1 session (15mm,30J/mm2) I did get rid of most of the ingrowhts - but I had no reduction of hairgrowth.

I allso get electrology treatments, but after allmost 3 months I still have too much hairs growing…


Three months worth of electrolysis is a toe dip in the ocean if you have a large area to contend with.

Laser can help with ingrowns if you are totally against trying electrolysis again. Are the ingrowns close to the skin surface , e?

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Miro, hair grows in cycles. You can’t assess anything after 3 months or just one treatment.

Thank you all for your comments. I do not think that laser will help me because electrolysis weakened hairs. And they are rather deep in the skin. Very thin but with deep routes. Laser will simply won’t see it. I can only hope that someday they will stop to ingrow…

My dear ekade!

Electrolysis permanently removes hair, as in dead, dead and gone. A skilled, dedicated, determined electrologist makes sure of that. You must have gotten erroneous information about electrolysis or the electrolysis care you received was less than you deserved.

If the hair is bothering you, I would search for some good deal and try a small patch if it will get better after…

I think 2mm under the skin should be no problem for the laser allso if the hair is not that thick - on full power it should burn.

The problem is not the depth, it’s the fact that the hair doesn’t seem to be coarse.

Thoughts about what happened with me:

I cannot believe it, but my I still have ingrown hairs! Apparently, they are hairs that were ingrown before, I took them out, but since the skin is scarred, they cannot grow thru it! and they ingrown again and again! Though, I noticed that FORTUNATELY some hairs could grow thru scarred skin! Unfortunately, not all! Just some!
Of course, I have some completely bold part on my legs as well, also, now I have plenty normally grow hair. I am going just to shave it. I just want to share with all people who is thinking to get electrolysis. Well, what I think about it. If a hair killed properly, I assumer, it won’t grow again. BUT!!! If a hair was not killed properly, (and I do think that it is MORE difficult to kill it properly because insertion and energy MUST be perfect!
BUT, if a hair wasn’t killed properly, the tissue gets an inside micro burn, and block the way for the hair that was not killed. And it is automatically becomes ingrown. Also, my ingrown hairs are growing in a really weird ways inside the skin! I think because the burn of electrolysis is so deep inside the skin, the hair becomes to grow in a real depth!
Well, assuming that my one leg had approximately 1000 hairs (it is approximately, I did not count, maybe it had 2000 hair). Well, if 10% of insertions or energy was not correct. It meant that I got 100 ingrown hairs!
Also, the hiperpigmintation after ingrown hair takes monthes and even years to fade!
Assuming that hairs are deep inside the skin, and the follicle could be distorted, I think it is almost impossible to get 100% accurate insertion. So, electrolysis like a miner. Cannot do a single mistake, which is almost impossible (maybe just for super talented guys like professional electrologysts on this site).
I am sorry for the long post. I just wish that I knew about such side-effects and this danger of electrolysis before I started it. Unfortunately, I had no idea about it. I did not know that I could get side-effects, which I still cannot cure for almost 6 (six) years from my first electrolysis treatment! Ah!

Sorry for the long post? You have not seen a long post on this site if you think yours was long! Besides, we invite long posts, as long as they have something to say.

You have valid points, and I will extend what you said to say, yes, if one performs an insertion that is so bad that it breaks the side walls, or is too shallow, one can collapse the follicle shaft, burn off the hair, and trap the lower growing hair beneath a hard callous of skin. The hair beneath this cave in will grow like a river under the surface of the skin. Even here, the solution is for a skilled electrolysis practitioner to enter the “River of Hair” and using blend or galvanic, treat the mistreated hair matrix, to end once and for all this problem.

I have performed this service for people who had sub par work in the past on more than one occasion. Of course, it has never taken me 6 years to clear the legs of a person who saw me at least once every 6 weeks for a full clearance of both legs.

Of course, I understand that it sounds like I am saying, I know that there is a difference between what you experienced and what I know to be true, based on MY experience.

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Thank you very much for your comment. Yes, it exactly what happened to me. Unfortunately, I had NO idea about such possibille side-effects. Of course, now it seems to me that I would never take a risk knowing about such side effects.
Oh, I did not now about entering the “River of Hair.” Though, in my situation, I am afraid to put any current into my body. The ingrown hair is already automatically mean inflammation. And I am afraid that putting any current in it would lead to unhealing skin wound. Some ingrown already giving me wounds that take very long to heal. I just cannot risk anymore. I just can hope that someday they will stop grow inside my skin….

The same thing is happening to make face. I look horrible.

Well, I counted approximate amount of hair on my one lower leg with knee (I counted amount of hairs on my upper leg per square centimeter). Well, of course, it is very rough, but my one lower leg had between 5,000 to 1000 hairs! So, it means that if I got 100 ingrown hairs it is just 1% of improper insertion! But the problem is that ingrown hair grown in the skin in such weird and deep angle that no matter how accurate I try to take it, it left a wound and then purple scar which takes year to hide of approximately 2-3 millimeters diameter. Which is VERY visible. Also, unfortunately I have such a skin that every scar is very visible. So, only 1% of improper insertion lead to ruined legs because 100 2-3 millimeters diameter purple scar is very obvious.

Just found the same situation as I have! How I wish I knew it before! ahhhhhhhhh

Hello. I think im going through this kind of issue on my stomach, do you have pictures ? Thank you