Hyperpigmentation or scarring?

I’ve been having weekly (galvanic) electrolysis sessions for about four months now, but recently took a break for unrelated personal reasons. It’s been about three weeks since my last session, but there are parts of my face that seem notably off in skin texture and coloration from where they used to be. My main concern is a large amount of small bumps on my face where the probe was working, primarily because I seem to have more sensitive skin than most (according to my electrologist). While I am aware that hyperpigmentation can remain well after the fact, I’m more worried about the current texture, and fear the possibility that it may be more than just pigmentation, considering I couldn’t find similar examples when researching these kinds of after-effects with electrolysis. I’d appreciate if someone could look at the photos I’ve attached here and pass better judgement to tell me if I’m fine and should resume sessions or if I need to find a new electrologist in my area. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to help.

The photos are pretty blurry, but I honestly don’t see anything too concerning. I don’t work with just galvanic, but electrolysis healing varies from person to person and some clients stay ‘irritated’ longer than others. Redness can also be a sign of the skin healing especially for those with lighter skin tones. Make sure you wear your spf diligently to protect the skin.

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