[HT News Feed] Woman Almost Dies After Bikini Wax - FOX News

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Woman Almost Dies After Bikini WaxFOX News - Jul 11, 2007"Our case is notable, because it illustrates the infectious risks of pubic hair re<br/><br/>1 Vote(s)

Source: Woman Almost Dies After Bikini Wax - FOX News

The woman in that news story from Austrailia had type 1 diabetes that was not under control and her immune system was compromised.

Waxing is regulated where I am but it isn’t regulated everywhere and even in places where it is regulated, there are many who don’t abide by the regulations.

[color:#FF0000]If you go for waxing and you are not presented with a consultation where you are asked about medications, allergies and illnesses, WALK OUT FAST.[/color]

very scary.