[HT News Feed] Get a leg up on hair removal - San Luis Obispo Tribune

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Get a leg up on hair removalSan Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Jul 12, 2007The Observer talked to local dermatologists, electrolysists and other<br/><br/>1 Vote(s)

Source: Get a leg up on hair removal - San Luis Obispo Tribune

Articles like this are creepy to me. How about some really good research where the reporter has actually experienced all types of hair removal, provided by the best techs. within each field, and then, after a year of treatments and then 6 consecutive months with no treatments at all, gives a report. Right side of face- laser, left side of face - electrolysis. Right leg - threading, left leg - waxing and so on.

A few months ago, I spoke to a writer from an esthetic trade publication who was writing an article about hair removal. When the article came out, there was not a single word about the advantages of electrolysis, there was not a single word about the disadvantages of laser. I think this website, HairTell, is proving itself to be just about the only balanced and credible space to reveal the truth about all methods in hair removal, thanks to its creator, Andrea James.

Well, we know that the media looks at printing what ever press release comes across their desks as a “Two-fer”. They get to have an article that saves them from writing something (Lazy) and then when something proves the information to be bad, they get to write another article on how misleading the first information was. It’s a “Two-fer One Deal”

So we “burn” the hair when doing electrolysis??? Talk about power words that conjure the wrong image to any and all consumers. Also, the word permanent as described for electrolysis just had to be put in quotation marks, making the point that it really isn’t permanent?

How is it that no article that I seem to read gets the facts straight about electrolysis. If this is a laser conspiracy against electrolysis, then their good at the game!