How to get rid of peach fuzz forever.

You can only get rid of these super-fine hairs with Electrolysis. Do not let anyone fool you. There are no magical products or natural homemade masks to help get rid of unwanted hairs. No poison ant, bee or snake will perform a miracle. There is only one way to ensure permanent and complete hair removal. And that’s with Electrolysis.

Great work!

Please tell me you are coming to NZ… :frowning:

The only way to permanently remove peach fuzz is with electrolysis. There is a product that slows the growth, but once you stop using it, it’s back as tough as ever.

There are no gimmicks that work for a tough enemy like hair, blond hair especially. The answer is electrolysis IF you can find an Electrologist that can even SEE the smaller blond hairs to begin with.

The answer is electrolysis IF you can find an Electrologist that can even SEE the smaller blond hairs to begin with.

Got it in that sentence, I have a wonderful electrolysis who has ridden me of any dark thick hairs for good but she just can not see the smaller or pale hairs left behind. I’m trying again with her in a couple of weeks before a school parents evening in the hope that she will see them :frowning: its hard to trust anyone else.

Helen, not trying to be “cheeky” here, but I have a question.

I’m assuming that your electrologist is using magnification and powerful lighting. You say she is unable to “see your smaller pale hairs?”

If SHE can’t see them, why do you want them removed?

If she can’t see them, certainly other people … with NO magnification or lighting… are absolutely not able to see them.

I ask this, of course, because I too have a few clients that want to have these “invisible” hairs removed.

BTW … “peach fuzz” is a good term. Look at a peach and try to count the “hairs” on the peach. Yep, it’s like that!

She does have a large mignifying glass with a light on it, I have a small mirror with is only 5 x and no light and I see pale brown hairs on the my chin still they are not the thick black ones I once had but they are not what you would say are normal, or ideal.

I am in no rush to go to the appointment I don’t worry about leaving the house but I don’t want them on my chin for ever I do want rid. When I look at other womens chin I do not see them having the same issue I know some do but they get rid with temp measures and I want to do it permanent.

I have shown my husband what I am talking about and he says they are hardly noticable and I shouldn’t worry about them but he see’s what I am talking about just but looking close up to my face without a mignifying mirror, I don’t think unless I pointed them out others would be so concerned.

However if I leave them and others grow in it would soon become a mess their in my eyes so I want rid.

I worry that my electrolysis is suffering from eye problems she’s in her mid 60’s and does wear glasses she’s done fab killing the obvious hairs but what is left to have me clear not full clear I will always have a peach fuzz their but those that are slightly longer than the peach fuzzy ones or a pale brown rather than blonde I would like gone.

She is doing my upper lip so I get her to look at my chin each time too and hope that she spots them she normally see’s 1 or 2 after I point them out but I literally have to point them out to her, she says she’s see’s nothing and even when she has zapped the area I go home see the hair still there and wonder what the hell she zapped.

These hairs are not invisable clearly some electrolyisis have issue seeing the finer ones, I’ve watched video’s of Josies and she’s removed hairs much finer and paler than I have. under the name peach fuzz.

Same here also I have exactly what you are talking about under my chin and it seems like these electrologist don’t want to remove them or simply is it because they can’t handle a case like this. On mines most of them say they do see the hairs but said its normal and they do zap the area but when I go home and put on my glasses and look through a magnify mirror I still see the hairs…sucks I know!!! These peach fuzz bothers me so bad under my chin because when I wear makeup to hide my dark marks it stand out on my chin and society has mademe feel bad about it and truthfully men are disgusted by it they rub their chin around me to let me know and some run away from me uuuggghhh I swear my life is ruined…the electrologist sees these hairs but I can’t understand why they won’t removes it!!!


With good lighting at the correct angle the finest of hair can be treated, loupes are essential. An electrologists looking through a magnifier with an attached lamp will find it difficult to see the hair as direct light will blank out blonde/fine hair.

My photo hasn’t appeared!!! Is there an easy way to copy and paste photos on the forum.

Dear MiriamR!

Well, it "all depends’ …

If you have a limited area of peach fuzz perhaps electrolysis will help. However, you must understand that there are literally thousands of these "peach fuzzes’ in the area and removing them is not going to take a few 10-minute sessions.

With my own "peach fuzz’ clients, it always goes like this: First the client says she’s greatly stressed-out, but really doesn’t fully understand how much time this is going to take. I tell her; she doesn’t hear it.

The client typically makes one or two appointments per YEAR … (maybe only 15-minutes). She asks me to "remove just the long ones,’ and thinks/hopes this will change things. It doesn’t!

The "long ones’ are hairs in telogen and ALL the fuzzes in the area will eventually go into telogen (long ones). So far, I have never had a "peach fuzz’ case finish … EVER! I mean, the "angst’ goes on for years (when they think about it?) … Sometimes I only see them after several years and I hear the same story all over again. I suspect that the electrologists that say "don’t do it’ to you, have had the identical experience that I’ve had all these years … it never gets done!

So, here’s the bottom line: Are you willing to pay, say, $1,000 or more to remove the fuzz with electrolysis? You will not get this done in a couple sessions.

If your peach fuzz area is limited (e.g., your chin or lip) why not try VANIQA first. This prescription cream medication actually DOES work. It will reduce the size of the fuzzes to the point where you won’t see them. I would try this first, you have nothing to lose.

I very much disagree with your statement, "I swear my life is ruined.’ Look, you have one tiny flaw that is bothering you. Your life is not "ruined!’ Don’t get over-the-top about hair, just solve the problem … and this is a TINY problem with a real solution. Some day the "big one’ WILL hit you (with no solution) … so don’t do this, it’s not worth it. Okay?

I also know what (we) men are looking at when we look at a woman and, I have to tell you, "peach fuzz’ is the very LAST thing we are looking at! Furthermore, some facial hair? We couldn’t care less!

Upload photo’s to a site like photobucket. Copy the IMG tag and then paste in your post. That should do it!

With good lighting the right angle an electrologist with loupes should be able to treat fine hair.

Great, great picture, Mairi!

It is possible to treat peach fuzz with the right vision aid, as long as one has a good light source and knows how to position the client expertly. These hairs look just like what we can see with our special microscopic set up. Sometimes, it is magnified even more!

Ah, what beauty, Josefa!
Love this work, and the Laurier IBP needle has made it sooo much easier too! I have a lot of Asian clients and the Laurier needles have been amazing for treating the fuzz allowing more precision at higher speed with less skin irritation! Totally irreplaceable tool!
Here’s one of my fuzzy clients before and after in the right type of lighting to show the hair:

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