How to get rid of chest ingrowns after waxing?male

My guy friend waxes his whole chest and stomach area and gets these red, itchy ingrowns everywhere on his chest and stomach.
What are some methods to get rid of them AND prevent them from happening?

He tried laser hair removal in the past and it didn’t show any improvements. So, he’s sticking to waxing but having a hard time handling/maintaining the ingrowns.

I suggested scrubbing with a loofah sponge…anything else?

Any help would be great!

Some people are just more prone to ingrowns. There isn’t a lot one can do. There is the epson salt method. There is Tend Skin.

Does he experience this right after waxing or does it takes 4 weeks or so to appear when the new hair starts growing in again?

If his hair is dark and coarse, laser hair removal works great on this area. However, one needs to follow advice of professionals and do research before going for treatment as there are many people out there not using proper machines, settings, and generally who don’t know what they’re doing trying to make a quick buck of LHR.

Thanks lagirl for your response. I’m not sure if he gets the ingrowns immediately or after a few weeks. I would assume they begin to occur after a few weeks as the hairs begin to regrow. But I will ask him to make sure.

He said he’s tried laser but didn’t see great results. But I will definitely inform him of the epsom salt idea.
