How permanant is is laser hair removal?

I have heard of a few women who had laser treatment done before they had children, only to have the hair grow back after childbirth due to hormone changes. Does anyone have any similar stories?

I really want to start laser hair treatment professionally but can hardly afford it, let alone if I would have to repeat the treatments in a couple of years time after kids.

The hair that is killed by laser doesn’t come back. Hormonal changes can make the body produce NEW hair. No hair removal method can prevent NEW hair from developing down the line.

Can you tell me the areas you want treated with laser?

Hair follicles that are permanently disabled, cannot grow back. New follicles can be stimulated due the hormonal event of pregnancy.

Again, what areas are you concerned with?

I do want to get everywhere done, but first want to get face out of the way (I have PCOS).

Laser only works on COARSE DENSE hair, so you won’t be able to treat everything with laser. You’ll need to do electrolysis on all areas that don’t have this type of hair, and also finish with electrolysis after a set of laser treatments kill the coarse hair and whatever remains is fine.