You might want to have a professional perform the hand-paste technique of body sugaring to see the different outcomes that can come form this over sugar waxing , waxing or electrolysis.
While body sugaring may be a bit uncomfortable the first few treatments, it will get easier as your hair becomes softer and more refined with treatments. It becomes easier to slide out of the follicle , thus causing less irritation and the fact that is is only warmed to room temp, not ever going to burn or tear live skin cells. Your trained professional can apply the hand paste over the same area several times to extract very short hairs without detriment to the epidermis.
I have been am esthetician working with hand paste sugar for nearly 12 yrs now and have a multitude of clients that have experienced incredible hair loss rates over many areas of their bodies. It is safe, gentle and effective for any skin or hair type on men ,women and even pre-teens.
Make no mistake, hand paste sugar is absolutely superior to the strip sugar method of sugar waxes and traditional wxes and due to the fact that the hairs are extracted in the natural direction of growth, as short as 1/16th of an inch while many hairs are still in Anagen stage, the results are quick to see. This service is very addictive! If you want more info visit me at and I would be happy to put you in touch with a professional in your area that you can have services done with.