How much time do you space treatments in danger areas on the face?

To avoid overtreatment & scarring, how much healing time do you space it out?

It depends on the client - skin reaction, whether or not the treatment is aggressive, etc. I watch the skin, not the clock.

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If I do a long session on face b/c they are determined to get through their hair removal and their skin recovers nicely within 3-5 days, I will usually wait about 3 weeks for healing - assuming they have it on a hot setting and their skin can take it. But, again, so many variables … I like the skin to recover in 2-3 days under most circumstances. Even though the skin appears healed on the outside it takes possible months to completely heal underneath. Hair cycles on the face are 6-8 weeks so shorter sessions (depending on how much hair; how thick, how dense, their skin type, their pain tolerance … be wise.)