How much scabbing has to be expected?

Hi there,

I had my first electrolysis treatment last week.
I (woman) had some really thick hair on my chin (approx. 30) and breast removed (and a bunch on the upper lip. Because I wanted to see how my skin reacts in this area).
Unfortunately the skin on one side of my face is very sensitive. I had some hair removed on the “tough” side of the face, were the skin healed very good (after 2 days the skin looked completely normal, no scratch, nothing).
But most hair was removed on the sensitive side. And after one week, I still can see each hair that has been removed.

At first it looked not that bad:

After one day it started scabbing:

I put zinc cream on it:

This is how it looks after one week.

It doesn’t look horrible, but is it normal that each removed hair leaves a scab?

Ich sehe Ihr Foto und das ist nicht korrekt. Sie haben zu viel Schaden aus dem Verfahren. Bitte sprechen Sie mit unseren Kollegen in Deutschland, BEATE (von Hairtell).

Scabbing, of this degree, is not necessary with electrolysis, nor is it desirable. It scares clients.

I don’t know the specifics of your treatments, but your Electrologist does, so give her feedback and include those pictures.

I don’t agree that one side was more sensitive than the other. It is more so of a problem with how the hairs were treated ( intensity and timing levels, probe choice or the quality of the insertion). Most electrologists can affect deep, COARSE (not course) hairs without barely a peep of creating skin side effects like this degree of scabbing. It does not need to happen, but sometimes it does.

This will heal with time. Being that it is your face, it would be better if it didn’t happen in the first place. I’m curious - did you try a couple electrologists before you started your hair removal journey? You don’t want this to be the norm after every treatment.

Thank you very much for your input.

I actually did show her the pictures but she told me the pictures look perfectly normal and I should not worry. She also told me that she is very experienced …

It was my first contact with electrolysis (there was no test treatment - she scheduled an hour for the first treatment and was not very pleased, when I called her a week before the first treatment because I wanted to reduce the time to 20 minutes - yet she did agree).

I was hoping she would be good, because she is a member (and head) of an association of Electrologists.
I will most definitely search for another Electrologist. Thank you so much for helping me!

All the initials behind a name and years of practice does not ensure an effective treatment with better skin outcome. Sometimes we get overzealous killing ‘them there hairs’ no matter how long we have been working. What you want to hear from your electrologist is that she/he will change some things up and see if that helps. We are getting to know our new clients and their skin type, as we wait for feedback on healing, to guide our planned attacked for destroying hair follicles.

Swelling, redness and some small scabbing here and there is acceptable, but all should be healed in 7-10 days IF you develop scabbing at all. Many don’t scab for facial work because of many factors involved.

You may check out other electrologists and find that your first choice was fine. Our dear sister electrologist, Beate, is very conscientious about her work. if you can see her, then that would be worth your effort.

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Michael, what browser are you using?

I wonder what modality was used? I have heard scabbing occurs when the area was treated with too strong a current or too aggressively. It looks like the blisters should heal quickly.