How much does pulse width/duration matter?

I’m a male being treated on my legs with a GentleMax. I did round one in July at 18 mm spot/14 joules/3 ms pulse width. I got good shedding, though some of the finer hairs remained. This time we upped the power to 16 joules, but I didn’t notice that the technician also increased the pulse width to 10 ms. Is this combination less effective than 14 joules at 3 ms?

Is that the alex side or the yag side (because that will make a big difference). I’ll quote the laser expert on the forum:

“Lower pulse width would make your skin react differently. However, if your hair is very coarse, a slightly higher pulse width would give you better results.( For example, 10 msc ). If your hair is very thin, a lower pulse width would give you the best results.”

If you’re on the alex side of the laser, you’re fine. If you’re on the yag side, those settings are pretty weak.

It was in alexandrite mode.

Then you’ll be just fine. Congrats on finding someone willing to use good settings.