How many days of growth necessary for female mustache before electrolysis?

Hi there. I’m wondering how many is the minimum days for hair growth on the upper lip? I don’t have much hair but the ones I do have are a bit stubby, especially when cut short or shaved. But when long some are dark and obvious. I just started dating someone and really don’t want to kiss them with these rough stubbles, lol! so am trying to figure out how I can make this work! I had a previous electrologist who could do 2/3 days of hair growth on my chin. But I’m reading in places that it says 5 days. My hair grows fast. And to be honest, it is easier to tell which ones to do when they are very short as they are more stubby then, as I don’t want all fine blonde baby hairs zapped. Thank you! (Blend method if that is important)

Hi, I don’t know in general. But I can tell you how long it is for me. I tested this out recently. I shaved my chin and upper lip on Tuesday in the evening. My chin was ready for electrolysis on Friday and my upper lip on Sunday evening. But I assume everyone’s hair grows differently. So best to just test it, I think. But I’m no expert.

Simple question. A few mm is enough. It needs to be visible and long enough to grab with tweezers.

not so simple question, as all the hairs showing up within a few days when you shave them, are all in anagen. The catagen and telogen hairs will not grow out.,but also the catagen and telogen hairs still have that same rough "sandpaper " texture that the anagen hairs do. So what do you do? Let em grow. Treat all of the hairs within every growth cycle ( 3-5 months) .

dang it I thought I’d learned enough :joy:

I’m confused, I admit. I thought only tweezing/waxing disrupts the growing cycle. Are you saying shaving disrupts it? Or are you saying that it isn’t just the rough hairs that need to be treated?

This is what the woman who did my chin said, and she was amazing and I was completed in only a few months she was so good and precise (and I had a fair amount of hair). However, I’ve had other electrologists say they needed them longer, so perhaps it depends on the practitioner too.

If you shave anagen hairs and come back a few days later, you will see a length of anagen hair has grown. Catagen and telogen hairs have ceased growing ( or appreciably anyway) and therefore they stay cut off at the surface and cannot be treated.
In anagen the hair is feeding blood from the dermal papillae, but in catagen and telogen this isnt happening, so growth slows to a stop making shaved catagen and telogen hairs untreatable from an electrolysis standpoint until the next growth cycle when it returns to anagen.

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Oh! I didn’t realize that. Okay, so perhaps moving forward since I do have not too many, I can just try to nip those rough ones (they always seem to be the ones that keep growing), and not the others. Hopefully after a few more sessions I’ll be completed or enough that they aren’t so many that are so rough! Thanks for the explanation.

It varies depending on the individual. You will need 1-2 millimeters of length for the electrologist to do their job.