How Long

I started treatment about 2 months ago and wanted to know if this sounds right. I go for 15 minutes every week for my upper lip. I count somewhere on average 100-125 hairs per session and it looks better than when I started but the shadow that was there when I started is still there. How many hairs can there be there? How long until the shadow goes away? Thanks.

is your shadow FROM hair hair? it could be from previous hair removal methods or melasma etc. there are skin lightening creams you can look into. but i would only use them after you are done with electrolysis.

have you gotten your first clearance yet? you may want to go more often in the beginning to get to a clearance so that you’re only coming in to kill the weak hair that come in afterwards.

I don’t think the hair is from previous hair removal methods or melasma. It looks like a guy’s shadow after shaving.

Does first clearance mean that all visible hair from the surface is removed? I think that all the surface hair have been removed either by the treatment or through shaving and slow regrowth. The hair there seems to grow slowly but I think it’s visible underneath the surface (light skin and dark hair). Also, I asked about going twice a week but the person I go to said that it would be better to have a week in between sessions to let the area heal properly.

Some I know told me that it took her 2 years of treatments for the upper lip and chin. I don’t know if that’s how long it normally takes or if she went consistently.

An upper lip and chin should never take 2 years. If one does not get a first clearance on both areas asap amd did not go in every 2-3 weeks thereafter to keep the area CLEARED of only the offending hairs, then I could see someone going for two years. Or, if someone is sneaky and plucks hair on the side, this can prolong our efforts to destroy hair follicles. That is not the fault of the electrolysis proceedure. It does work extremely well in half the time that your friend described. Another thing that can prolong electrolysis is if you happen to choose someone with little skill who doesn’t know how to balance intensity and timing (energy needed) and insertion of a probe know-how so the hair slides out after it is treated. And lastly, if one’s hormonal imbalance is severe and the main cause of the hair growth is not dealt with, one can play this game for a long time. ELECTROLYSIS is a relentless,highly effective terminator for unwanted hair because it delivers the goods. Many things have to be in place for this to work for you or anyone.

I prefer not to work on the same area in less than a week. The skin needs at least seven days to heal.


Can you take a picture and post it? It’s hard for us to tell what the shadow is from. If the hair is removed, there shouldn’t be a shadow unless it’s your skin that is pigmented and the shadow is not actually from the hair. But it also sounds like some of your hair is shaved, so it could be causing the shadow.

First clearance means all visible hair removed. You should let them grow and have the electrologist remove the hairs as they come in. You shouldn’t have to shave the hair after a couple treatments as you should be coming in to zap them as they come out.

Maybe I haven’t gotten a first clearance, at least not in the middle area, but yes for the right and left sides. I think my electrolysist leaves the middle for last during the treatments because it’s more sensitive than than the sides. There’s always something like 10-20 hairs left in the middle area. I don’t have a digital camera so I can’t post a picture. Also, I haven’t shaved or done anything to the area in between treatments since I started.

The shadow does not seem as dark now as it was before I started, depending on the lighting. They were never really course, just plentiful, and I thought the hairs may be growing back lighter. But since most of it still seems to be making up the shadow, does that mean more intensity is needed? My electrolysist didn’t really seem to think there was a shadow; she said it looked better.

She’s been in business for maybe close to 15 years, has a full schedule, and has her certifications current so I’m guessing that she has the proper skills and experience. But sometimes she seems to have trouble removing the hair after it’s been treated; if she can’t get it with the tweezer, she rubs the area with her finger. A couple of times I can feel the needle being inserted.