You don’t need to settle for a 50% reduction - you can get it all if you desire with electrolysis. MicroFlash or PicoFlash thermolysis, allows a skilled electrologist to move rather quickly from hair to hair, treating each hair in less than a second. We can remove a lot of hair as we get into a rhythm. Your hair can be thinned or completely removed. It’s up to you. The lower abdomen can be flabby and to the electrologist, it can feel like you are trying to control Jello at times. Some people find this area to be very sensitive to the sensation, so hopefully, the electrologist you choose will try out a few levels or even modalities that suit you best.
With good removal in the beginning to get a full clearance or thinning, you will need to stick to a schedule. You will need more work in the first six months, then it tapers off for the remainder of the time. It works, so be patient. Expect some scabbing and temporary hyperpigmentation. All will heal well in time.