How long to book for first clearance of my arms? (with pics)

I was hoping for some advice on how long (approx.) it would take to clear my arms (pics below) with an electrologist accustomed to marathon sessions. I know there are so many factors, but just after a general estimate as I have the time and savings to do it and want to make sure there is enough time to do a first clearance, especially as the hair on my arms is long and untouched and have read this is good to do the clearance approach. I’ve never done anything to it apart from tried to trim it for the first time this summer. I also have blond hair on my upper arm, similar density but just the outer section of upper arm (but thick blonde mixed with finer long blond), also on hands- less dense and finer.
I’ve had marathon sessions in the past (a few days of 5-6 hours) on other parts of my body and feel I can tolerate it well and was able to just let them work with little interruption.

Many thanks for any advice x


Hi AlgarveA, I would say you need between 4-6 hours for each arm and for a first clearance whenever it is with the flash method.

With these optimal conditions (virgin hair), the reduction should be> 80% from that first time.

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. That definitely sounds achievable and something very much to look forward to! Thanks :slight_smile: