How long should my session take?

I want to get work done on my chin and under my chin down my neck, and my side burns. I have long blond hairs along my jawline and cheeks that are slowly but surely turning dark that I eventually want treated. Do you suggest I do it all or do sections first? On average how long do these areas take? The woman I spoke with gave me her prices and for an hour it’s $90.

Any input is appreciated!

I recommend having a short initial treatment to establish confidence in your practitioner. Then take it from there. Always have the worst hairs treated first. Keep us updated on your progress and wishing you speedy,efficient hair removal.

How many hairs do you have? Average electrologist removes 5-10 hairs per minute. So you can calculate this yourself. Hard to answer your question without knowing the extent of the hair growth.

Thanks, that gives me an general idea. She says she recs microflash because she can get more hairs faster. Has anyone heard of microflash?

Yes, of course. Microflash is a quick burst of heat that ‘cooks the hair follicle’ to disable it forever. This burst of energy takes less than a second and works wonderfully well in the hands of a skilled electrologist. More hairs per minute can be affected, thus fulfilling the clients desire to visually be hair-free as soon as possible. Go for it!

When using microflash is there more chance of having a bad reaction? I’m really worried about it becoming a horror story :frowning: The woman I spoke with seemed very knowledgeable, she’s only been doing it for 2 years. But she is on the American Electrolysis website. She had idiopathic hurisitism herself, and went for electrolysis. I find comfort in that she knows what I’m going through. I’m going for a consultation, and she said she would do a 5 minute patch test to see how I react. She also said that even though she prefers microflash, she will use the other methods.

Dee, are there any specific questions I should ask her?

A patch test should give you a good idea as what you can expect from the electrologist.

You can have a bad reaction with any of the modalities because they are related to practitioner skill. By her suggesting to do a 10 minute test patch, she is my kind of gal! Exactly what I do for my apprehensive clients! People need a lot of reassurance in these beginning stages. I’m proud of you for taking it slow and doing your research.

I suppose you can ask her if she has references and pictures. Some may take offense and others may not. I am thankful for clients that trust me from the get go, but I certainly understand the one with a more careful approach and try my best to embrace all their questions and ideas about how to proceed.

I did Microflash for years and had no adverse complaints. The biggest skill required for this modality is accurate insertions and making sure the current goes off deep in the follicle. No shallow insertions with too much energy!

It sounds like this electrologist knows her stuff, but if you psychologically need to proceed in baby steps, so be it. I have and have had a few ladies like this and they know that it will take longer to do the baby step strategy, but choose slow progression over faster progression. Once they calm down, they release the inner mustang or hummingbird within me.

Another thing I like about this electrologist is, she is willing to do blend if that is what you want. Sometimes, I will suggest that we do MicroFlash / PicoFlash on one side and blend on the other, that way my client can compare sensation and healing and then decide what they want. That might be a suggestion you can make to your electrologist, too. You are still paying her for her time, so it doesn’t matter how slow or fast she goes. I will admit that slow frustrates me, but it is not about me.

Hope this was helpful and good luck!

Thanks! You all are making me feel better about this process. Should I ask her about her lighting or anything? I think I want to start with my side burns. I don’t shave or wax them at the moment. And I find comfort that if I have a reaction, it’s the sides of my face. I’m also worried about the financial part, which is why I might opt for sections rather than doing everything at once. Does anyone know how fast the microflash can go? I know it depends on the person doing it, but on average? Or is it still about 5-10 hairs per minute?

Here are some more questions I have (sorry if this is jumbled, I nervous!)

  1. She said that I have to let the hair grow out a bit, she said if I could pluck it with tweezers, then it’s long enough. Is this true? I’m so worried about having to walk around with stubble.

  2. What should I look like the day of and the day after getting this done? What’s the after care procedure?

  3. I know it’s different for everyone, but she said that the first 6-8 will probably be once a week, then after that it will spread out a bit. Keep in mind she hasn’t seen me yet, this was all over the phone.

I took these photos of my side burns with my phone, excuse the quality.


For some reason I have less of a reaction when gold needles are used. You may want to ask to try those instead.

Thank you, I will keep that in mind :slight_smile: