How long does it take to clear a small area? +

It’s my upper lip and chin. Today I looked in the mirror and there’s SO many hairs. I have been doing this on a regular basis for almost a year and I definitely see an improvement but I just wonder- will I need… another 6-8 months of treatment? I don’t know. I do about an hour each month.

Sounds like you would be on track for ever shorter sessions, until they plateau at around 15 minutes. I would expect that you would need another 6 months if you are not recruiting new follicles to grow hair that never did before. As such, do avoid artificial sweeteners, as they are just one thing that can cause unwanted hair problems. You would not believe the places that stuff hides. Listerine breath strips? Aspartame! Children’s chewable vitamins? Aspartame! Healthy looking meal replacement shakes? Asulfame Potassium/Asulfame-K! Store bought, ready to drink Green Tea? Splenda!

Its enough to give one a persecution complex.

Are you totally clearing it every time in that hour?

I don’t think my electrologists are as quick as the others on here. It is not always totally clear.

Curious… do you shave or remove the hair between treatments?

I only shave.

What are the hairs like, if they are blonde and fine. You may have reached the point where you need to stop shaving or at least leave it a week before your next treatment. This will decrease the chance of your electrologist missing the slower growing hairs.