I am a scientist working on applications of novel laser technologies for hair removal. From the beginning of my studies I was lost in a pool of contradictory publications from which one can get that the concept is great but the real experiences are not always pleasant. Therefore, the whole process, including but not limited to laser apparatus, can be significantly improved in terms of safety, convenience, and efficiency. I believe, with your help I could do it. I would appreciate your thoughts, comments, observations, complaints, and ideas… Why did you choose laser hair removal? What did you like about the process. What you didn’t? I am looking forward for informal chat with you that can help to transform exotic hi-tech process into popular and appreciated cosmetic procedure that works for all. Thanks for you help.
I chose to undergo laser hair removal because electrolysis was tried unsuccessfully previously. (10 and 20 years ago, with two different practitioners).
Pros: Speed to get to clearance and thus far, this seems to be working for me. Also, no red dots on skin after treatment, and no requirement to let the hairs grow out prior to treatment.
Cons: Pain, cost and the dead hairs that have to grow out.
Improvements (Pain Reduction): Am being treated with the Lightsheer. Although I apply Emla, it doesn’t seem to do much for me. The physician who is treating me has numerous other lasers and also has a device that blows chilled air that he has used in on me in conjunction with the Lightsheer’s chilled tip on with marked effect in reducing the pain. Using this device requires him to use both hands. Recently, he treated one underarm without using this, and one underarm with. The skin of the underarm that received the chilled air during treatment was less traumatized, and it had completely recovered within an hour. Conversely, the underarm that didn’t get the chilled air retained some feeling of heat until the following morning.