Electrolysis on the back - hourly estimates, how to tell if it’s working or not
I have had 72 hours of electrolysis on my back, starting in June of 2020. Unfortunately I did not get a full shot of my back, but the picture below shows a good portion of my back after my very first 30 minute appointment (both sides of my back are roughly the same):
In January of 2021 I started doing 2 hours every week, doing either the left or right side of my back each appointment. My provider is well reviewed but a bit low on experience (2-3 years). He practices in an area with particularly high education requirements as well, so I have no reason to believe he is ripping me off.
My point in posting this is to hopefully get some feedback from more experienced providers and ideally some ideas on how to tell if I am legimately making progress. Despite the FDA approval of electrolysis, I am afraid I will be unresponsive to electrolysis. I have no idea how to really tell if the treatment is working or not. I spent about 5k on laser hair removal about a decade ago and it did nothing for me, not even minor reduction.
For those with experience doing electrolysis on men’s backs, approximately how many hours did it take before getting 95%-100% removal with no regrowth?
My current plan is to continue doing 2 hours per week through 2022 and then take the first 6 months off in 2023 to assess how much hair comes back. By the end of December 2022 I will have had 174 hours of treatment. Given my photos, is ~170 hours of treatment sufficient time to expect 95-100% removal? I understand I may always have some hair back there due to folicles becoming active post treatment but my impression is that this is a relatively small amount of hair.
At what point should a client seek another provider? Are there any hourly numbers or specific things to look for when it is obvious that the electrolysis is not working?
I’m asking this of providers but if any clients have experience with getting electrolysis on their back, please chime in. It’s really hard to find accounts of electrolysis on the back - probably because it’s so painful and expensive that few guys bother to do it.
Looking forward to your feedback and thanks in advance.