How can I be sure my Electrolysis is working?

Hi Everyone,

Super quick background on me & why I am asking this question even after spending hours on this forum. I’m middle eastern with pale skin and dark coarse facial hair, I have never plucked my facial hair only shaved. I started laser hair removal 2 1/2 years ago for my face and was not aware it could cause paradoxical hypertrichosis in some people (which it did for me) Even after telling my laser professional about how I noticed extra growth, she did not mention the possible side effects, just kept my sessions going. I found out from a dermatologist who said it looked like paradoxical hypertrichosis.
I had all my hormones checked and everything was fine. So I decided to start electrolysis instead.

I was wondering what would be the best electrolysis type for my current position? Between Galvanic, Thermolysis, & Blend, it seems like everyone has a different opinion. I’m very uneducated on electrolysis and hope someone can educate me? I’m really scared of investing so much money and being taken advantage by another tech again.

The method of electrolysis is irrelevant, it is the skill of the electrologist that matters.

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That is a true statement hairadicator.

Noriiimarie, if you are lucky enough to live in an area where you can sample all three modalities, under the umbrella called electrolysis, you could see for yourself which modality you like the best. I will tell you that galvanic is slower than blend and blend is slower than thermolysis. All are effective and performed differently. Each modality take specific skills.

Many of us perform all three modalities. Personally, I almost exclusively use thermolysis because I can get clearances much quicker as we deal with hair growth cycles every six weeks, thus pleasing and giving hope to the woman with too much hair on her face.

Laser can cause hairs to wake up like you experienced. Not all women are candidates for laser reduction on the face, but some? many? are very pleased with results. You just have to know it COULD happen and pray that it does not.

Hey! Thanks for the advice. I had a super quick question on something my tech told me that I wanted to verify based on conflicting info I read online. She said that electrolysis will not work to remove “peach fuzz” on the face because it doesn’t have a blood supply. Is this true?
I attached a picture of what my face looks like right now. I stopped facial laser a few months ago. I’m honestly not sure what parts are peach fuzz and whats regular hair.

It’s not true. Electrolysis works on all hairs, and I can’t imagine that a hair would grow without blood supply - but I’m not a scientist after all.

Most of the hair I see in that image is just a bit beyond what I’d consider “peach fuzz” and can definitely be treated. Your electrologist is mistaken or possibly lying to avoid treating the hair. Truthfully, I don’t treat genuine peach fuzz in most cases for a few reasons, but it’s definitely very possible. There shouldn’t be any issues treating this area for you.

If peach fuzz didn’t have blood supply then hairs would not generate. While your hair is not even peach fuzz and can be treated successfully, it can be a tedious challenge to someone who is struggling to see vellus hair. Good vision aid is needed.