Home electrolysis after professional laser on back

Hello everybody,

So the story is I’ve done 8 treatments on my back in professional laser clinics. I didn’t start with much of the hair and could see some redaction. The thing is that residual hair is very fine and I can not see much of the improvement with several last treatments.

My question is if there is any good home electrolysis systems you can recommend? What kind of results I can expect? I am willing to spend up to £1000.

Many thanks!

Why don’t you go to a professional electrologist? That amount seems to be more than enough to get your entire back treated with a competent electrologist(provided it is not very hairy).

Can you post a picture?

And uhm…you can’t do DIY electrolysis on your back…you’ll have to ask someone to do it for you.

Yes, DIY on the back would be very hard… if not impossible, without an electrolysis buddy. I’d definitely suggest seeking out a professional to carry out the rest of the work.