Since Andrea wrote a great thank you to James the other day for his contributions to Hairtell, but unfortunately, did not enable a reply button, I wanted to start this thread so I could add my special thank-you’s to James as well for all his contributions to hairtell. He knows I appreciate him very much because I have told him so many times. He has helped me grow as an electrologist because he so unselfishly and patiently explained concepts to me over the years that ultimately helped me become a better practitioner. I’m grateful and will always remember your kindness, James, and I promise to carry it over and pay forward as well.
All who read James’s post should feel so very lucky to have a person as dedicated and knowledgible as James answering your questions.
Thanks again James for almost 4,000 posts. Your “paying forward” concept has made a big difference for me and I know for the many hairy people that read hairtell.
Big hugs to you dear James,