Hinkel's text

Good idea. I suppose I could have links in the eBook itself that direct the reader to a video? Now, that would really be “something?”

I suppose if I just edit out all the “It is presumed by some people that …” Or, "For your understanding of this important subject, you must, as an electrologist, understand the fact that … " I’d end up with a pamphlet?

I don’t know who Richard W. Lind is (he wrote the book), but I’d like to grab him by his follicle and squeeze! Yeah, frustrated. Besides, who actually puts their B.A. or M.A. after their name? WTF? For me, it’s MD or PhD … and nothing else makes much sense.

I don’t see people put B.A. but I do see people with MA/MS or MPA/MPH. I guess back in the day, masters were more challenging to obtain. These days you don’t need to take GREs or other entrance exams for masters programs. It’s all about profits and diversity goals. Someone I know received a PhD in criminology few months ago but still can’t comprehend basic statistics.

So true …

So, here is a rough draft of the first few pages. The formatting will be different on the eBook. All the terms in BOLD will be “clickable” sending the reader to a full definition of the term. Also, there will be places called “click here” to direct the reader to a video that will explain the issue in more detail.

I’m hoping I can find a few interested people who will volunteer to proof read and critique sections and pages of the book. I usually take everybody’s suggestions. I’m just going to plod ahead and maybe this might work? But Dee Dee is right because the book as it stands now is terribly out-of-date. Here’s a look-see … THANKS for your time.
TEST chapter 1.pdf (493.1 KB)

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Your efforts in updating the Hinkel text are a wonderful legacy to the man and his work. Test chapter 1 looks great.

Thanks a lot … much appreciated. My last “hill to climb?”

One never knows (I still have a few to climb), but … updating the Hinkel text will be one of the most gratifying projects for you personally, and it will be a lasting legacy to the man, his work, and to the profession. I died a million deaths when I found out how much was thrown out when A. R. Hinkel closed shop and quit making machines. I cherish Hinkel’s work and what you are doing is the icing on the cake.

You’re so right. After HInkel died, the company went into the SH@@@er. Schuler gave up, threw or gave away everything and the new owners of the Hinkel company not only stopped making machines, they also thwarted legitimate people like Heinlich who was trying to keep the old machines running. And then Hinkel’s daughter … she said I could not produce Hinkel’s tapes and “flushed” the book.

I also read the first chapter and have no remarks to make. It flows well and easy to comprehend!