Hi everybody. So, I’ve been working on the Hinkel update and have two chapter finished one half way finished. I got a difficult diagnosis after a year of suffering and not sure where this is taking me. So, I decided to put up what I have for free on my website. Just go to www.electrologynow.com and click on the Hinkel cover to get Chapter One. The next Chapters will be placed when Eric thinks it’s the right time … Tough times ahead for old Bono. But I still want to help my colleagues.
Hello Uncle Mike
I always appreciate your passion & dedication.
Sending u lots of love,
I’m curious what you are not saying Michael. Maybe touch base with me.I know you have had some health issues lately,but I dont really know the nature of those issues. If you are unable to finish this project, maybe I could help with some folks who could carry on wherever you end up leaving off.
I just want to add to the chorus and thank you for everything you continue to do and everything you give to help consumers and electrologists. I wish you health and extend my prayers that you will recover quickly from your health woes. I’ll read the chapters when I get a chance.
I cant imagine how difficult.I’m no writer, even when I do have the time which I don’t currently. I cant imagine trying to continue someone elses take on yet a third parties work, nevermind try and remain faithful and true to the original in concept. At what point does anything become a new original rather than a derivative work?My brain gets bent out of shape even considering it.
I really hope your diagnosis is not as serious as you seem to be treating it right now. I wish you the very best of health Michael. No one deserves to live in pain.
Hi Mike
I feel very deeply sorry to hear this. Please live life calmly and peacefully. Please do all things you wish to do if you r still capable. Many of us whom you kindly educate, share your experience and generosity over years will continue your legacy.
Dying is scary even if it’s part of life and one will experience the unknown. Many never have a chance to prepare. I wish you can find a chance to read this: (PDF) A Study of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu's Concept of Death before Death | Supre Kanjanaphitsarn สุปรียส์ กาญจนพิศศาล - Academia.edu
Hi Mike,
I’ m so sorry to hear this. Sending love and thinking of you
Thank you for all of your wonderful information. Everything you do has inspired me and will continue to do so. I wish you well and send my love and prayers to you. Lynne