
Hi friends,

I am not fluent in English please excuse me.

I have been going for electrolysis for my facial hair for 7 months now. She is very professional and a sweet person. I can definitely see some change, my face looks less hairy. My only complaint is she’s done working on my face 8 to 10 minutes before the end of my appointment time. when I make an appointment for 1 hour, she should work for 1 hour right? or does that include the time taken for payment using my card too which usually takes about 3 to 4 minutes.
My question is, is it a common practice to stop working 10 minutes before the end of the appointment time ?

It varies from practitioner to practitioner. Some people will start the clock running from the time the appointment is supposed to start, some will start from the time that they start prepping you, others will start counting from the first zap. Likewise, end times vary too, some will stop early to do the after care, others keep going until the time is fully used. Some people count exact minutes, others use 5/10/15 minute intervals.

In my own case, I only count the time I spend zapping. Timer starts with the first hair and ends with the last hair, rounding to 15 minute increments. I don’t charge for prepping the skin or doing the aftercare, booking the next appointment or handling payment. I leave a 15 minute gap between clients to make sure I can do all of that (as well as reset/clean my treatment area).

I also pause my timer if I need to take a break for some reason, but I generally don’t pause if my client wants to take a phone call, go to the bathroom, stop to wander around my office, etc since that is time that I can’t spend with another client.

Thank you for your response EmancipatedElect. My electrologist usually keeps no gaps between clients as far as I know, many times she stops working on me because her next client has arrived, even though she wasted 5 or 10 minutes of my appointment time on her previous client ( the one before me ) keeping me waiting. I think I should be brave and bring it up .

If you’re not getting what you’re paying for, there’s absolutely no reason for you to not bring it up. Not standing up for yourself and/or trying to negotiate a better position is something people, particularly women, have been conditioned to not do. Empower yourself.

You have the full right to ask for those 10mins she isn’t giving you. Even if she works a bit longer on her previous client you still deserve what you paid for and that is a full hour.

My barber doesn’t stop because his next client has arrived, leaving me with a haircut done for 90%. So why would she.

Electrolysis isn’t something cheap either, so go have a talk with her.