Well now, once again we bump into HairTell Pet Peeve Number 1, no location in profile.
Since you have not provided that info, I can’t give you the link to the direct section that you would post to.
I can only direct you to post a generic hard to find referral in this section:
non-location based referrals
And tell you to put your location in your profile and find your proper place in the location based referral section found on the main index:
Main Index, don’t forget to scroll down, it is kinda far down the page
You should also do some more consultations and sample treatments just to see what else is available in your area. I honestly tell people who see me the same thing. Of course, some of them get mad at me when they take that advise. (What did you tell me to do that for! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif" alt="" />)