Hi HairTell,
I’m a student (23) studying in North West England but currently on a year abroad in Japan.
I have very white skin and dark hair.
I’ve saved enough money to start on what I originally thought would be Laser treatment, mainly of my stomach and chest which are my main problem areas. (although money permitted I would have a lot more work done)
When I turned 18 I did something stupid, got a high interest credit card (with no job) and paid £200 to get Laser, I could only afford a single session and obviously saw no results at all.
I put this down to the lack of a series of treatments and so wanted to get a full set… but after reading so many stories about laser not giving the desired results or only reducing the hair I’d lost hope in getting the results I want.
Then I saw the HairTell Electrolysis forums and began to think maybe Electrolysis can give me the permanent results I need for probably around the same price.
I wasn’t planning on starting the search for a decent electrologist until I returned home in July of this year but then I saw Michael Bono’s post about him having done work with the Japanese company TBC and thought I might check it out as there are stores close to me and he gave them high praise.
do you think this is a bad idea?
should I wait until I return home to start?
will they only be good at treating asian people?
Anyway sorry about the super long intro post.
[color:#FF0000]TLDR[/color]: I’m new, male, 23, from the north west of england & looking for an experienced electrologist to treat at least the whole of my stomach and chest!