Help with Forehead...male

Hi there,

Ok my problem is that my hairline on my forehead is really ugly…
for awhile i started waxing it myself… at first it was okay but afterawhile the area treated would start to get very red and sting when i touch it, at times my skin would even rip and scab which made my forehead uglier. I stopped waxing 2 months ago and the hair has grown back. Someone recomended to get the area threaded or plucked, i am open to the option of permanent removal, but as i am new i have no idea on how much it could cost, i would prefer not to get permanent if tweezing or threading wud get the job done. As well i have course black hair and am of indian descent.

Threading/plucking (same thing) are temporary measures. If you want to do this the rest of your life, every week, then that’s what you are looking at with pulling the hair out. You will continually have little black dots under the skin that represents new hair hair about to come forth in a couple days or so. It goes on and on… pluck, pluck, pluck every day, you are in front of a mirror, plucking new hair coming forth. Do you really want this commitment???

Electrolysis can solve your problem permanently by selecting individual hairs, raising your hairline. It will take 1-2 years to do this well and it will work well if you can locate a PROFESSIONAL, SKILLED electrologist to do this. If you do not want electrolysis, then you can try laser, but I would recommend a Yag laser to remove the bulk of the hair and then follow up with electrolysis to refine and feather the hairline so it has a natural appearance.


I agree completely with Dee. Well performed electrolysis will leave your skin smooth and clear. All that constant tweezing and threading irritates the skin, so you either have messy hairs or messy skin. Give electrolysis serious consideration.

I don’t know how dark your pigment is as Indian but in any event, when it comes to hairlines, I strongly suggest beginning and ending with electrolysis.

I have done extensive work on hairlines as I treat models, actresses, politicians… people who are in the public eye. They tend to enjoy holding a mirror throughout the process, keeping them involved while providing immediate direction based on their own sense of esthetics yet open to my advice on what can and can not be achieved with the given.

Good luck!