I need help! I am a 21 year old female (South Asian) Here is a brief about what has being happening to me. I used to have very fine short hair in my side burn area that were not noticeable at all. I also had fine upper lip hair. I being young and not aware of the consequence had laser hair removal done in March 2011 (HUGE Mistake!) The technician zapped me all over (neck, jaw). I noticed after the 4th session that the fine hairs were growing back longer & darker. I got really scared & so I stopped treatments in (June 2011).
In the mean time I started to bleach my face & thread the upper lip. I continued to bleach the hairs until I noticed that they were getting longer each time I bleached. I became worried & so I stopped the bleach in Oct. 2011. I went to see a obgyn to to test if there is anything wrong with my hormones. All the tests were normal. My doctor suggested to try electrolysis & so I did. I started electrolysis on December 14 2011. I had a full clearance of the entire face. After that I went every in every 10 days. I wanted to get rid of the hair ASAP. With time, I noticed no results. I told my self to give it time & just be more patient. I had over 28 hours done & spent more than $1,900! I am becoming very frustrated as this is effecting my entire life. I stopped seeing this electrolysis in July.
A month later my face was a nightmare!! The long hairs that I originally wanted gone were much thicker & on top of that the fine hairs over my chin, cheeks & under eye area are thicker & longer. What bothers me the most is the cheek area I only had fine hairs before beginning electrolysis, but now there are sooo many & very thick and very ugly looking! Also to make matters worse I am left with scars on my cheeks!! I am not sure what went wrong! I am very depressed (i don’t go to college because of this).
I told my self to give it another try. So I looked for a certified electrolysis in the northern va area. I have been seeing this electrolysis since October & I got 2 full clearances but the hairs are still growing back even more. What worries me is am getting married in the Spring & I need a solution. Does anyone recommended that I should take any medications so the hairs will not grow during the time of my wedding & honeymoon.
I would like to know if a good electrolysis will fix this issue or could make matters worse!
I am so miserable & desperate for help! I can manage to live with fine hairs, but not thick!