Help me choosing the best of these 3 electrologist

Hello everyone!
I’m making this post because I’m considering to make electrolysis in my face again after 3 sesions.

I’m coming from this post I opened:

So here is the point;
I made 3 electrolyisis meetings in diferent places.
The zone is my cheek, about 20 hair in the left cheek and 40 hair in the right cheek.

1- The first one was in Madrid (Spain) I can’t say anything bad, was hard to judge because it was the first one and I think they only killed 1 or 2 hair wrong, because those hair growed up again after 2 or 3 weeks.
The rest of the hair growed up in 2-3 months.

2- The second one was in London. I think the big diference is that there they are Electrologist, and in Spain there isn’t such thing. They have a lot of years of experience in Spain, but I think it’s not a career like in London.
For me this one was the best. I think I saw no one hair growing up again before 2 months. After those 2 months the hair started to grow again.

3- The last one was in Barcelona, the city where I’m living. The person of the center who made me this has 19 years of experiencie, and here comes the issue:

After 2 weeks, like 10 hair growed up again, so I guess it means she didn’t kill those 10 well.

Here are some pictures;

This is how I looked after 3 months of the London meeting:

This is how I looked 2 days after the electrolysis meeting in Barcelona:

And after 3 weeks, you already could see some long hair in the cheek, correct me if it means they didn’t kill it well, or if there is another posibility:

After 3 months, this is how I look right now (the second picture).
If we compare to the first picture (After three months of the London meeting) I see almost the same and I’m not sure If even more hair now than before:

3-4 months ago

Right now

So what should I do?

Should I fly to London every time I want to do one meeting? It means like 130€ or more beetween the flight, the meeting, the hostel, etc.
And flying is not supposed to be recomended after an electrolysis appoinment.

The other choice is to give another chance to the Barcelona’s place, wich is the city where I’m living now. It means only 35€ or so for the sesion.

Thank you very much. All the hair removal issue is blowing my brains out :eek:


Your regrowth does not at all mean that the local electrologist didnt kill the hairs.Some hairs are not visible due to growth cycles.
I have never heard of it not being recommended to fly ater electrolysis. This doesnt seem to make sense physiologically speaking but there isnt much reason to do so anyway.


It’s a recomendation they made me in Madrid and in London aswell. Guess it’s about the pressure.
Anyways I flyed the same day I made electrolysis in Madrid and nothing happened, but… If they recommend it should be for some reason.

Permítame aclarar este punto. Hasta donde yo sé, en España la Depilación Eléctrica Definitiva forma parte de una asignatura incluida en el módulo superior de Estética. A un ciclo formativo de grado superior solo puedes acceder si tienes superado el bachillerato. No es una diplomatura, ni es una licenciatura, pero creo que puede considerarse estudios superiores.
No estoy muy informada de cuales son los requisitos en Inglaterra, pero por lo que tengo entendido allí la Electrología también es una asignatura más dentro de la Estética.

Otra cosa es que aquí, igual que allí, cualquiera que haga un mini-curso de 2 o 3 días pueda ejercer siempre que pague los impuestos correspondientes. Pero eso es otra historia.

How misinformed can you be?? Many people on this forum fly to Malaga to see Josefa, who is quite possibly the worlds very best electrologist. Please post again, after a treatment with her to update us on your views of professional Spanish electrologists. That is if you can actually get an appointment!! I am laughing here at this craziness. We travel too much these days!!

No me interprete mal. Usted debe ir donde se sienta más cómodo y mejor atendido. Si en Londres los tratamientos han sido más efectivos que en Madrid o Barcelona, pues adelante. Mi consejo es que aproveche cada viaje para hacerse otras áreas si usted lo necesita. Y también que acuda con el mayor número de pelos presentes en la superficie. Solo de esta forma, usted sacará el mejor partido de su dinero.


Thanks Christine, but I do not deserve your words.

Moreover, a ticket to Malaga would cost about the same as a ticket to London.

If one has a ticket to Malaga, it would be worth every penny.


O’Conell If I’m missinformed it’s probably because I have no information about all the places, and that’s why I opened this post, don’t you think so? xD

Thank you for your answer dfahey, maybe I should try again here in Barcelona and see what happens.

Josefa is right, a ticket to Malaga costs the same than a ticket to London and the same than a ticket to Madrid, anyways I wouldn’t mind trying.
London can be a little more expensive because I have to take the bus to the city (10 pounds going there and 10 pounds coming back) and the very expensive underground.

Josefa gracias por tu respuesta. A mi me suena haber preguntado si era una carrera y que me dijeran que sí, además de que tenian un monton de diplomas colgados por ahi, pero hablando en ingles cara a cara hay tantas cosas que se me perdian por el camino que quizás ni nos entendimos. Pero yo recuerdo que me dijeron que era una carrera y larga además, lo cual me sorprende.

Por cierto te mandé un privado, me gustaria saber tu opinion del post, que Londres fue el mejor sitio es una sensación, pero me gustaria saber que pensais vosotros por las fotos, y que te parece que 2 semanas despues del tratamiento en Barcelona ya hubieran vuelto a salir unos 10 pelos.

Muchas gracias.

¿Notaste alguna resistencia cuando los pelos estaban siendo retirados? si es así, lo que te hicieron no fue Depilación Eléctrica, sino una simple depilación con pinzas.

I would say go to the practitioner who is the most convenient for you. It might seem like it is the same hair growing back, but as it has been said it is not the same exact hairs two weeks later. In my opinion, I wouldn’t suggest taking a flight for such few hairs. I know it bothers you and it matters a lot to you but I think you look perfect the way you are.

Es dificil valorarlo despues de la descarga por el dolor y tal, pero a mi por lo menos no me dio esa impresion en ningun momento.
Hubo un momento que hizo doble disparo porque el pelo no acababa de salir, no se si es recomendable. A parte de eso no me dio la impresion que arrancara.


I deleted my post above because I thought I had sounded too harsh with my comments.

I really think you look great and things are proceeding as they should.

He borrado mi post anterior porque pensé que había sonado a áspero con mis comentarios.

Realmente creo que te ves muy bien y las cosas están procediendo como deberían.

Haha yes it really does…
Maybe you guys are right and I should probably keep going to my city’s electrologist and see how it evolves

Maybe if I see the hair growing up so fast again after few weeks in the next meetings I should think about it

What matters me is not the amount of hair, is the zone, the face. But if it seems to be alright with no scars so far…

Thanks for your answer :slight_smile:

En ese caso, no pierdes nada con volver una segunda o tercera vez y presta atención al detalle que te he señalado, el pelo debe salir sin ninguna resistencia. Ten en cuenta que en esa zona todavía se están desarrollando nuevos pelos. Esta zona y el cuello son los últimos en desarrollarse. Puedo ver pelos nuevos en el área más cerca del ojo.

Procura no rasurar los pelos que quieres eliminar porque de lo contrario ella no podrá tratarlos, y luego cuando crezcan creerás que son los mismos que fueron eliminados.

Oh, I didn’t found it harsh at all, actually I apreciated it.

My answer was for O’Conell’s post.

Thanks for your comment :slight_smile:

Good Spanish!