Help! Is this normal healing?

Is this normal after 7 days? Please help! Greetings from Vienna!

I had really, really good skin- no scars- but now 7 days later after my first electrolysis treatment (45 mins on chin) my skin looks like the surface of the moon! My chin was very swollen the first 3 days, I looked like I had been seriously bashed in the jaw. But that went away- but my skin does not seem to be clearing up well. I am so upset. I have done everything recommended. Did not go out in the sun, kept the area spotlessly clean, did not pick at the scabs (there were a lot) and I have been using aloe vera. I made sure I had lots of vitamin C, have been taking collagen too- but it looks a mess. I am so sad. Am I being impatient?

This appears to be overtreatment (too much energy). It is important to remember that scars do NOT form within 7 days. When your skin heals these problem areas should smooth out. I recommend you find another electrologist.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I had a numbing cream on the skin but it still hurt a lot. Not the needle but the electrical currents. The machine beeped a lot and I asked the electrolysist what that meant and she said it was when she went a little too high with the power. Also at the end she said that she probably overtreated. I had no idea what the outcome could be- and since she said it so easily and without seeming worried at all I was also not worried- until a couple of hours later. The pictures I posted are far, far better than the days before. At the beginning I really looked like I had been beaten up :frowning: I will cancel the next session and look for someone else. Di you think that using an anti scar cream could help the healing process. Thank you once again!

Yes, using an anti-scar cream could help speed healing.

Thank you very much for the help! Now I don’t feel so worried.

I have the exact same issue and its been 4 weeks. I have a cortisone cream treatment to help with inflammation. It took a big toll on my mental heath cause the scars are on my upper lip. But i see the it could take a year to heal.
So let’s see how the healing process goes.

Hi Maru, I can totally relate to your mental health difficulty! I feel for you! I felt even worse than before- guilty and ashamed, as if it was my own fault for being ugly and vain at the same time- awful!
So, 7 days later an update. I have been using aloevera gel, Bepanthene when that has dried and then morning and evening Kelo-Cote scar cream. Always ith a 50 factor sunprotection (apart from at night of course). I take a collagen suppliment (Poweder) that was actually for my joints, but hey, maybe helps the skin too! Also taking vitamin C. It´s a lot better,but I still worry about long term holes in my chin. I think it looks a bit better in the pictures now.

Wow it did get better for you! Is it this cream? My skin is pretty bad…

This is my skin after 3 weeks…

Hi, yes, this is the cream. The packet I have is blue. But the name and the graphic with the scar and the stitches over it are the same. I am in Vienna in Europe so maybe we have a different packaging. I think the products I use underneath it are also important. The aloe vera gel gives a lot of moisture which I have been told is very important. The silicon scar cream locks in the moisture (does other stuff too). Did a dr tell you to put cortisone on it?
I think your skin really does not look too bad. I can imagine it will heal well.
Are you taking enough vitamins C,A and B?

Thank you so much for your advises and photos. It’s very kind of you. I have aloe vera at home but it dries on my skin.

Yes the dermatologist prescribed me 3 weeks of cortisone (diprosone) to calm the inflammation morning and night. It was like you, very swollen. Then Bepanthene Plus that i use during the day and cicaplast from laroche posay.
If you still have red marks a cortisone cream is recommended to stop the inflammation. For white skin he told me scars will usually appear white once the inflammation is gone. So i think your skin has started the healing process. The dermatologist said that if textures or hyperpigmentation remains then in November we will do lasers. Only months will tell us how our skin can heal.
In the forum no one give news about their recovery tho

Btw i’m sure you’re not ugly and vain. We tried hair removal treatment and it was done badly to us. You tried to do something to take care of yourself, so don’t blame yourself too much. It will heal with time.

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I think it would be great to see more recovery pictures on the forum.

I would really like to know how you heal up. I am sure you will be fine!!

Hi, I am just sending an update. My skin healed very well, it is just very slightly uneven but getting better all the time. I discussed the situation with the electrolysist and she also said it was not a good situation. We decided on shorter sessions with another machine and less power. Also, just before my second session she asked if I had a nickel allergy, which I do and I think I had forgotten to put that on the registration form (!) because she could not remember seeing this information when I booked. She then used a gold needle. It was painful- not quite as bad as last time. BUT- I did not get one single scab, no swelling and not even really any redness! I am super happy I spoke to her and also very happy I wrote here and got information! Thank you!