HELP! I think I've been scarred!

I started electrolysis a few months ago. It’s been great at removing the hair. I was so happy.

However, even with the Apilus it was extremely painful and the healing in my case was taking weeks (would feel bumps under the skin and it was painful).

The other day, I was standing in front of the mirror in a certain light and suddenly noticed all these tiny holes on my face. They’re not obvious all over, but on my lower cheek closer to my mouth (I had a patch of hair there), it’s quite obvious.

I’m 100% sure it’s from the electrolysis, these holes (as big as large blackheads)were not there before. I didn’t know the needle would leave these marks. I’m so depressed!!! Help!! What should I do now? I have my next appointment with the electrologist tomorrow. Can these holes ever be removed?

FIRST and FOREMOST, talk to your electrologist. She can see you and she knows what levels she used.

Did you sample other electrologists as well to compare sensation and healing outcomes?

Please communicate with her about this, JenD.



I’m seeing her tomorrow, but do you really think she will admit to scarring me? I need a second opinion. I think I need to see a dermatologist…oh the expenses and agony just keep multiplying…

She may be defensive, but express your concerns anyway. It doesn’t mean you have to endure another treatment that hurts and takes weeks to heal. You can just present your concerns and leave.Most skin manifestations heal with time. Repeating a mistake week after week can change this, maybe??? It’s good that you are noticing skin condition and taking action.

A big flag for me would be the time it takes to heal. Were you having treatments even though your skin was still looking angry? By the way, how many treatments did you have in these past couple months? Do you have a lot of hair close together? How long did she work on you? Anything else you can offer can be helpful, but I still think she should hear your concerns.


I can’t help thinking that you are just noticing your pores as they are more obvious when the hair is gone. They may be enlarged due to some residual swelling. Before you start booking derm appointments and such I would lay off the electrolysis in that particular area for a few weeks and see if the skin improves. Skin is incredibly good at fixing itself if given time. Did your electrologist know that it was taking that long for the skin to heal? Because if it was happening with one of my clients I would use another method or setting straight away.


Thanks for the responses.

My last apointment was over a month ago. That particular area I’m talking about was about 6 weeks ago.

My treatments normally last 15 minutes or so on my face and I’ve had 4-5 only, the hair on my face is fine but very long.

Two weeks ago, I was under alot of stress and started getting breakouts. I used acne medication including one containing sulfur (very drying). I was not told this was not ok. Anyhow, this was 4 weeks post treatment.

I’m sure it’s not that I’m noticing the pores all of a sudden. This wasn’t there – besides, the holes are in lines (which is how she usually removes the hair).

I will certainly talk to her tomorrow and will not be doing any more treatments until I figure out what’s going on.

Are there any treatments to remove these holes?

I have seen enlarged pores slightly minimized after the diamond laser peel (not to be confused with the “microdermabrasion” diamond peel). Very little can be done to reduce pore size.

Do you have a history of oily skin? What is your skin type like now?

Before electrolysis is administered, what is used to clean your skin and is your skin dry prior to probe insertion?

It is very unusual, these days, for pitting to result from electrolysis. Why not ask your electrologist to join this discussion and bring in her professional perspective?

Any update on what your electrologist thinks?

OK. Her response is that they are now blackheads…!!

First of all, scars are white and do not have pores in them.

I’m curious, does your skin have lots of big scabs after a treatment? Do you hear a “pfst” with each application of current? If so, then you might be getting some pitting after the treatment.

Often, women who inspect their skin a lot, get very concerned that what really is normal, is not normal. What I mean by that is that the lack of hair now shows the follicle openings, and that they look huge - because you might be inspecting your skin so closely.

yes, I’m having my sideburns done, and I’ve noticed that I have huge pores on the side of my face.My question is will they get smaller since no hair will be growing out of them , or are they just huge.?. however I don’t have big pores over all my face, so what’s the deal? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

They’ll go back to normal once your skin has adjusted and grown. The pores never disappear but they’ll be the same as the rest of the face.

hey all, am just putting my two cents in cause i went through the same thing. i even got it recording my posts about my experience.

my side burns esp, i started noticing holes where the hair used to be and was freaked out they were scars that would never go away. i was inspecting them in a mirror and was shocked and really saddened.

BUT, its been several months and i can honestly say the skin in those area looks normal and as if nothing has been done there. it does take time to heal and remember our face naturally has thousands of “holes” or pores in them that we dont normally notice, only when we are doing electrolysis and by default notice these holes and panic. sure after removal of hair, only the pore is left which appears big and might be so. but with time and less treatment in the area, the holes kinda “close up” and blend in with the rest of the skin.

so have no fear. at least for me, i dont worry at all anymore about it. with time they go away. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
