HELP, Good electrologist in UK?

Relentlessly searching for an electrologist who actually knows what they are doing, been to several consultations, as my end goal is only thinning out the hair around the elbow and above, no one has any idea what they’re doing! I live near London which is helpful as the capital is bound to have one good electrologist surely. I am willing to travel though as it will be worth it!

I don’t usually give recommendations but Geri Panyatova really knows what she’s doing, so try her. I’ve seen amazing results with Geri after one clearance. It’s such a shame I do t live in london otherwise I would see her on a regular basis.

How would I go about contacting her? I really need some expert help, I haven’t worn a t shirt in 2 years due to this screw up :frowning:

Geri posts on here sometimes, so PM her and she will reply hopefully.

A quick Google search turned up these ways to contact her:

Mairi MacFadyen in Scotland is excellent.