Help!!!! Gentleyag type 4 skin, male beard.

Hi, I am an Indian male with light skin (type 4). I was treated with a Palomar icon IPL. I know didn’t get to this forum till after I started treatments. The hair on my upper lip and chin have not shed at all, the technician that did my treatments had no idea as to what she was doing. I was treated at 22J at 100MS, AND 20J at 20ms. After doing a lot of research and reading, I am switching over to a clinic that uses a gentleyag. My question was that for my skin tone, what would be the ideal settings for my chin and upper lip area. I am not looking for a complete removal, but more of a reduction. At what settings would my hair react and fall out. My hair is really thick and dense. I would appreciate any input, because right now I look like an idiot, and would like to even out my face. My appointment is in a few days, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
If i could get settings for the 18 and the 15mm spot size that would be great.

After much research i have arrived upon. 18mm spot size, 20-22j, 10ms for thick beard area. Or 15mm spot size, 30j, 10ms. Please let me know if that sounds right. Thank you

They seem to be on the higher side to me.

I just got treated at 18mm 16joules, 10ms. It wasn’t very painful, i did take some strong painkillers an hour before the treatment. Not very much facial edema, slight reddening. Some hair did pop out during the treatment. Have to wait three weeks to see the results. I’m hoping they move up to 18 joules for the next treatment. The gentleyag was so much easier on my skin, than the IPL. Should have done this a while ago. Oh and the costs are infinitely cheaper. This place charges 30 bucks for a full face. The IPL place was charging me $150.

So you think 18mm 20 joules is too much? what would you recommend for thick coarse beard hair? Thank you mumbai girl for responding. I was at my wits end trying to find any sort of answers.