HELP! Electrologist ruining my skin?!

I have been undergoing electrolysis on my facial area for 4 months now once a week for an hour each time. Since I have a large area of hair, I know it will take a long time to do full clearances which I do not mind. My problem is that after each session my skin breaks out as if it was acne and the scabs do not go away for months. I ice my skin, I use witch hazel and hydrocortisone and do everything in my power to aid the healing process.

I’ve recently been looking at other threads and have seen that most people say the effects of electrolysis should not last longer than a few days. My face is so red and blotchy that now it is difficult for my electrologist to find areas on my skin that are completely healed in order to work for the full hour.

What should I do? I’ve asked her if she can lower the current because of the reactions but she says that in order to properly treat the area she needs to use a high setting. I am reluctant to leave her because she does have a lot of good reviews but at this point I am unsure of whether or not it is causing severe damage to my skin.

Any pros out there that can offer me some good advice? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The problem can be with your electrologist or it can be with your skin. I had proper acne after starting electrolysis on my face but I’m quite certain that it is because that’s just how my skin is. You might wanna start using a benzoyl peroxide face wash or topical cream + topical clindamycin on your face on a daily basis while you are getting electrolysis to prevent bacterial growth- the BP might be irritating for some but it’s a good product.
I also know that people like tea tree oil and some, on the other hand, recommend leaving your skin alone. And then there’s the natural way of increasing water intake, fruits veggies etc. What works for one might not necessarily work for the other. When I was in your place and my skin was broken out all over, I just gave electrolysis a break and I’m glad I did.

I think pictures would help pros in answering your question.

Modality, probe choice and many other things could be causing your skin reaction. Your after care or lack of after care. I would ask your current provider what you should be doing. Communication is key and your face should not be reacting for weeks. What does work for one person does not alway work for another. I would change something if my client came in a week later amd I could not work on them. You could cut your appointments back to just 30 min if you feel the need to keep going. Change modality or probe material. Pretreatment care, or aftercare.

It doesn’t sound like your electrologist is ruining your skin. The irritation should heal just fine. I am more concerned about whether you are getting efficient permanent hair removal.

Could you have a nickel allergy?

I suspect that the main culprit is still your electrologist, with your skin being a second. Shop around for 15 minute trials to compare. Perhaps, someone here can recommend someone in your area.

With the electrologist factor out of the equation, a high quality insulated probe and tee tree oil for a few days after treatment should reduce your skin reaction to a minimum. And go easy on steroids!

Thank you all for your responses. I try to take good care of my skin so I don’t think it’s the aftercare. I’ve attached some pictures. The first is my skin today and I had a one hour session yesterday. The second picture is the other side of my face that was done 3 weeks ago and still has not healed.

A day after the session:

3 weeks after a session on the other side of my face:

I’m so upset I don’t know what to do. Does anyone out there know of any good electrologists in the Westchester, New York area? I can’t deal with my face looking like this anymore.

Thanks all.

You’re using the wrong code to post your photos. The last one in the group of choices is the right one. Copy and paste to your post.

From what I did see … DAMN! This is horrible!

Taina, I hope you don’t mind me posting your photos since you were having difficulty.

Thanks so much “stoppit”. Yea I was having trouble figuring it all out.

The first of those pictures is after 3 weeks and the second is a day after the session.

If that is really 3 weeks post treatment and not 2 or 3 days this result is not acceptable in my eyes. Even in my beginnings when i sometimes did mistakes which lead the clients to stop treatment (and where i understand that was justified) healing was better.

What can You to?

Most of all: let it heal before continuing with the treatment. Completly at least to a stage where all those red bumps have gone away. Regardless of the time that needs. I had to interrupt my facial treatment for a few months as well - actually 9 months (half of that due to healing), and that was a hard time.

Keap Your face clean, disinfect it regularly. As long as Your skin hurts, You might consider topical ibuprofen - I have successfully been using a cream named Ibutop in my own face if treatments were really heavy, and i recommend that to my clients in case of an unusually heavy reaction of the skin (and only then!). I am from Germany, so You might research for an equivalent product.
Despite of that it will probably be sufficient to simply leave the skin alone as long as it is irritated and just avoid further irritation at that time.

Try to find another electrologist. Despite of her skills she seems to have problems treating Your skin. Which sometimes happens, and without disqualifying her in general.

Keep away from hydrocortisone if possible at all. Other topical OTC antihistamines actually work better. Also tried on my own skin.

Maybe You are overly sensitive to histamines. You might consider to take oral antihistamines for a few days starting the day before the treatments an check if healing is better.

Regarding the time: that must have been more that 16 hours … if the density of the hair is really as low as it seems from the pictures You supplied, more than one full clearance should be possible even for only moderately skilled and experienced electrologists like me.

Wow! I would not continue treatment with results like that. That must be painful. Something should be changed with your treatments.

Horrible and unnecessary. Run, don’t walk. No more treatments until you are totally healed. Find a new electrologist and tell your present electrologist that you are very unhappy and you are moving on. Leave her a copy of these pictures. Your story is sad and is another reason we electrologists spend a lot of time here on Hairtell trying to explain what is poor and what is good electrolysis outcome.

Thanks stopit for fixing those pictures!

If you let us know where you are, we may be able to help you find someone in your area to compare work with.

Tea Tree Oil and Aloe Vera would help you heal up faster. You could apply aloe vera gel multiple times a day, and use tea tree oil at bed time. Please get food grade aloe, that needs to be refrigerated once it is opened. Do not use products found in the skin care isles, as they have petroleum artificial colors and little active aloe left.

Thanks everyone for all of your advice and support. I really appreciate it. I’m in Westchester, NY and I’m open to driving reasonable distances to NYC or the Hudson Valley as long as the electrologist comes highly recommended.

I know that it’s possible for my skin to react normally because after my session 2 weeks ago my skin became swollen and a bit red and that’s it. I iced it and cared for it as I normally do after all sessions and the result was beautiful. My skin was clear, bump free and looked as if there was never any irritation. I asked the electrologist if there was anything she did differently during that session and she insisted she did everything exactly as usual. What disturbs me the most is the fact that she sees these skin reactions and continues to work on the skin as if nothing is wrong.

Hopefully it will all heal soon and I’ll be able to continue treatment with someone else.

Hi Tiana. I don’t know what went on during or after treatment but your tissue reaction is way too traumatic.

Over the years I have treated clients from Westchester who moved to NYC and vice vesa. I don’t think you have to travel too far from home because some of the best electrologists are in Westchester.

I have worked on many clients who get electrolysis from Margherite and/or Bette in Mamaroneck at Bodicures. Have you met with either of these technicians yet? They are located at:

I will definitely be trying out the tea tree oil and aloe vera gel. Someone else also suggested “hibiclens” wipes since the area looks infected.

Thanks Arlene, I haven’t met with those technicians yet but as soon as my skin clears up completely I am going to start seeking out someone else to finish my treatments. Although I’ve had this experience, I’m not ready to finish electrolysis. I want to be done with hiding my face!