Hi, I am really worried. I have had IPL on my eyebrows (6 treatments) where they covered my eyes with small grey sticky pads and said that would protect my eyes. I have developed black ‘floaters’ in my vision in the past two weeks and have had this checked out by an eye doctor. They could not explain why this has happened in someone my age. Since seeing the eye doctor I started wondering about the IPL and looked this up online. I found lots of scary stuff about lasers and IPL and eye damge. Now I am really concerned - I can handle it if the damage is limited to what has happened already but could it get worse over time? does anyone know? I feel so angry with the clinic if I am right and this has caused permanent damage, and angry with myself for not researching this properly and maybe getting eye damage for the sake of vanity. Has anyone else had floaters after having IPL?
Thanks for your help