You got it, Nikki!
Using intimate lightening cream from dermalmd brand on intimate areas (bikini, underarm) , definitely worked to remove dark spots from shaving. good for sensitive skin, does not burn at all (something i was surprised by). worth trying out. noticeable difference after 2/3 uses. be consistent try to apply 3/4 times a week after moisturizing.
Hey there!!!
I’m a dermal therapist/laser technician.I used to get extremely bad ingrown hairs when I was a teenager, tried waxing when I was 18 and that didn’t help, plus it hurt so bad (I’m a wimp). I lived with ingrown hairs on my Brazilian until …… (some people will strongly disagree with this) my friend gave me a fresh mans razor, a good quality one too, not those single use Bic razors. I ensure my razor is hot from the water, I have adequate shaving cream/water applied to area, and I shave with the hair growth never against it! I clean my razor and place to dry, changing razor head every 3-4 weeks, depending on how much you shave.honestly it helped me so much, and then I started my laser treatments and because my hair was thick and I was pale, I saw results within 4 weeks. As for pain, it was fine, I did feel it, but not enough that I couldn’t handle it. Having laser treatments helped reduced my ingrowns and how fast it grew back, (candela laser machine Alex 24g 8j).
If you try shaving and still get bad ingrowns you can always wait and only shave the day before your laser session, if you decide to do electrolysis it might be harder not shaving as it’s a much longer process, try hair removal cream or clippers as they cut the hair but don’t touch the skin causing no irritation
You need to get perifollicular edema few minutes after light beams and hair should fall out within a wk or 2 post treatment.
If u don’t experience these, u won’t get greatest ultimate reduction results.