Hello I am new and I need help with sugaring!

My mom and I made a sugaring paste yesturday and today I was extremely anxious to try it out. However the paste does not stick well and I noticed that it melted pretty fast. Is there something I did wrong in the recipe? I used 4 teaspoons of lemon juice, 2 cups of water and 3 cups of organic cane sugar. I just can’t win -.-

I think the water did it. You should probably not put any water in it. I made mine a few days ago. I used 1 lemon, half a kilo of sugar and a spoon of salt. After it boiled it became very dark brown, and also pretty hard.

Get a good piece and warm it up in the microwave for 3 seconds or so. Not more than 5 seconds or it won’t work.

The problem I had was that while I was working with it, the paste just kept melting in my hands which kept becoming warm. Keep making it a ‘ball’.

Hope this helps.

you must be very accurate in order to get a working product. I’ve posted this link to my instructions several times, but really everyone’s problem seems to be sparse instructions on the internet.

You could buy wax kit- you can get good one for like 30 pounds go to sallys- its in america and uk and put pots in heater- i think its slightly more easier than sugaring. But depends what your used to

If you want to learn how to make and use sugar check out utube.

it sounds like you over cooked the batch. its not about what color or how long you cook the sugar. its about the temperature. you should have a candy thermometer handy and cook it until it gets to 250 degrees (be sure that the thermometer isn’t touching the bottom of the pot). no, you do not have too much water in it but with the ingredients you have, don’t be surprised to find the batch finished whenever its only a light yellow color. another ingredients i used is 2 cups sugar, 1/4 lemon juice, and 1/4 water. this batch will produce a more amber color whenever finished. anyhow, its not about the color but those are the colors you can expect. make sure you cook slowly so that you can do a hard ball check on your batch before deciding that its finished. with your over cooked batch, theres nothing you can do to fix it. just throw it away and try again. if you under cook a batch, just put it back in the pot and cook it a little more.