Hi i’ve just had some electrolysis done on my upper lip. I had a few dark hairs but I got severly depressed and the hair grew more dark probably either because of stress or a hormone imbalance.
Anyway above my lip is rather swollen and I have some small and larger red blotches. I have one very dark spot almost black and also some small pin prick red dots and two tiny puncture holes from the needle insertion. Are all of these normal?
Appreciate any help?
Your description of the treated site, after it was treated, sounds like it might be poor work or your individual response is such that you react more intensly to treatment. We are all different (even identical twins are different and fingerprints are the easiest way to explain this but there are many more differences between them). It would not be fair to either you or the electroloist to comment without actually seeing the result. However, after everything returns to normal (after it is healed) try another electrologist and see if there is a difference. If the changes you describe are still present, I would see a dermatologist.
You may feel better after trying a couple of electrologists. We all work in a slightly different manner. Not everybody graduates at the TOP of the class.
this was my face when I first started suffering from stress and anxiety.
this is my face about 12 weeks later after electrolysis and the hair seems to be worse after the stress. Is hormonal I’m going to have a blood test and thought about a saliva test too?
After 3 treatments of electrolysis I seem to have red/black blotch does this look normal?
Would you indicate the areas you are having treatment as there is redness surrounding the nostrils. Is there swelling and redness in areas where electrolysis is being administered and also in areas where you are not having treatment? Also, are you freckled prior to electrolysis?
I’m having electrolysis above the lip and some just under my nose. No swelling in other areas just above the lip. Yes I have some freckles prior to electrolysis.
How long after the last treatment was this last picture taken?
While I can see some irritation, it is not bad. From the photos, I would consider your skin as a more sensitive skin, which might result in a little more reaction after treatment.
Are you bleaching the area or doing any temporary hair removal at this time.
Getting cleared and doing proper aftercare would have advanced this. A practitioner working in microflash or picoflash thermolysis would have advanced this steadily and with little skin reaction, which by the way, I wouldn’t think this looks bad if it were a couple days after treatment. You said the freckling was there before and you are correct because I see a freckle or two on your actual lip line - somewhere electrolysis was not performed. I would like to see a picture of most of your face below the eyes.
Swelling does happen in the beginning treatments as we move toward clearance of the sides especially. Most clearings, if done with the best epilators and a skilled electrologist performing microflash or picoflash thermolysis can get you cleared in a total time of about an hour. It may take two 30 minute sessions or four 15 minute sessions. The middle, under the nose goes more slowly because most people are sensitive in this area. They may start sneezing, etc.
Thank you for your replies.
I’ve just had another look through and found someone offering blend/thermolysis which I might try when my lip has healed.
It’s a little less swollen but I do have some nasty red spots/nicks from the needle but I hope these will heal??
Are you bleaching the area?
I haven’t bleached the area I’m leaving it to heal. I think the red patches at the side are healing slowly but at the moment I have three nicks in the skin where they are red and it looks like a small piece of skin has fallen out. I went to the cosmetic clinic and she said that it does look like some of the collagen has been lost but it may not scar because I’m fairly young. I’m hoping on the positive side but I think the current was left on a bit long this time. Do the red nicks heal??
They usually do.